Sequences for Preventive maintenance job plans

You can assign one or more job plans to a preventive maintenance (PM) record. If you assign more than one job plan to a PM, sequence numbers determine how often a plan is used.

Job plan sequences let you schedule different levels of maintenance work at specified intervals.

For example, you can assign monthly, quarterly, and yearly job plans for work on an asset. The monthly job might be several simple maintenance tasks, while the quarterly and yearly jobs might be more complex.

You could add a sequence of three job plans to specify different inspections of a turbine:

  • A monthly basic inspection of a turbine
  • A quarterly inspection of its components
  • A yearly inspection of the turbine and its feeder system

By assigning a sequence number to each job plan, you specify which job plan is selected each time a work order is generated from the PM.

How job plans are selected

When you generate a work order from a PM, the system first increments the value in the Counter field by one, then selects the job plan. The system selects the job plan with the highest sequence number that divides evenly into the value in the Counter field. If no sequence number meets this criterion, the primary job plan (sequence number one) is used. The value in the Sequence field means that this job plan would be used on every nth work order generated from the PM, where n is the sequence number.

Example: Job plan sequence for a turbine

For the turbine inspections, you would create a job plan sequence as follows:
Table 1. Example of a job plan sequence for turbine inspections
Job Plan Description Sequence Meaning
INS-TURB Inspect turbine 1 This job plan is the default or primary job plan. It is used unless the sequence calls for a different plan. This job plan is used when the value in the Counter field is divisible only by one.
INS-TURBCOMP Inspect turbine components 3 This job plan is used when three is the highest number that divides evenly into the value of the Counter field.
INS-TURBFEED Inspect turbine and feeder system 12 This job plan is used when 12 is the highest number that divides evenly into the value of the Counter field.