Customizing the default label and balloon tip information for new organizations

You can add information directly in the product database to customize the default label and balloon tip information for linear objects.


  1. Log in to the database server by using a user ID that has permission to modify Maximo® Asset Management database tables.
  2. In the LVCMSGINFODFLT table, add the following columns:
    • LABEL
  3. To customize a balloon tip for a layer name, create a CLOB object in the INFOATTRIBUTESTEMPLATE column.
    Each object must be defined by using HTML tags. At a minimum, you must use division tags for each line, for example:
    <div>#{attributeTitle|recordclass}: ${recordclass}<div> 
    <div>#{attributeTitle|workorder.status}: ${workorder.status}<div> 
    <div>#{attributeTitle|workorder.statusdate}: ${workorder.statusdate}</div> 
    <div>#{attributeTitle|STARTMEASURE}: ${startmeasure}</div> 
    <div>#{attributeTitle|ENDMEASURE}: ${endmeasure}</div>
  4. To customize a label for a layer name, create a CLOB object in the LABEL column.
    Each object must be defined as text, for example: