You can add information directly in the product database to customize the default label
and balloon tip information for linear objects.
Log in to the database server by using a user ID that has permission to modify Maximo® Asset Management database tables.
In the LVCMSGINFODFLT table, add the following columns:
To customize a balloon tip for a layer name, create a CLOB object in the INFOATTRIBUTESTEMPLATE
Each object must be defined by using HTML tags. At a minimum, you must use division tags for
each line, for example:
<div>#{attributeTitle|recordclass}: ${recordclass}<div>
<div>#{attributeTitle|workorder.status}: ${workorder.status}<div>
<div>#{attributeTitle|workorder.statusdate}: ${workorder.statusdate}</div>
<div>#{attributeTitle|STARTMEASURE}: ${startmeasure}</div>
<div>#{attributeTitle|ENDMEASURE}: ${endmeasure}</div>
To customize a label for a layer name, create a CLOB object in the LABEL column.
Each object must be defined as text, for example: