Changing the object key delimiter

The object key delimiter value identifies an incoming e-mail as an existing ticket. You can select other characters to represent the object key delimiter other than the default (##).

About this task

The ID of the record is called the object key identifier. The object key identifier can be a sequence that the system generates. For example, 1001, 1002, and so on.


  1. Replace the value with other characters.
    There are no restrictions. However the delimiter must be unique. Choose infrequently used characters or symbols for delimiters.
  2. Place the delimiter before and after the ticket ID (example: SR 1009 is represented as ##1009##).


If + is the delimiter, a user could send an e-mail with the subject line: +1003+ Having problems with printer + network.

The base preprocessor cannot identify the substring because the delimiter symbol occurs multiple times within the subject line. In these circumstances, you must develop your own preprocessor that contains logic to recognize the new delimiter used with e-mails in your business environment.