Changing my password information

You use the Password Information dialog box to change your password, password hint, or both. The system administrator must enable the password hint question and answer for you to reset your password. If the fields are disabled, the system administrator did not enable the feature.

Before you begin

If you did not specify a password hint question and answer for your user, you must contact your system administrator and request that your password is reset.

About this task

The system administrator must configure the SMTP property and then enable the property in the System properties application to enable the password, password hint, or both.


  1. From the toolbar, click Profile and select Password Information.
  2. In the Current Password field, enter your current password. The other password fields become editable only after the system validates your current password.
  3. Edit the following fields as needed:
    Field Action
    New Password Specify a password that is at least 6 characters long. Your company might have other requirements, such as a longer password or the use of numeric or symbol characters. If the value you enter is not valid, an error message is displayed.
    Verify New Password Reenter your new password.
    Password Hint Question Click Select Value to select from a list of possible questions.
    Password Hint Answer Specify your answer to the question. If you become blocked from using the system, an administrator can use the password question and answer to verify your identity. Answers are case-sensitive.
  4. Click OK.