Granting user access to Oracle and Structured Query Language server databases

You can grant a user authorization to read, insert, update, and delete specific objects that define a set of fields and business rules, and that update one or more database tables.

Before you begin

Before you can grant database access, you must perform additional steps to grant authorization to database users. To provide a user complete database authorization, use the tools and procedures of your database platform. If you use the IBM® Db2® database platform, you must use Db2 tools to provide database access rights. If you use an application server for authentication and user management, you cannot use change database access.


  1. In the Users application, access the user who needs database access.
  2. Select the Database Access action.
  3. In the Database Access window, type an ID for the user. The ID must meet the requirements of the database platform and can be different from the user ID.
  4. In the Database Password field and Confirm Password fields, type a database password. This password can be different than the user password.
  5. To grant a user access to specific tables or objects in the database, complete the following steps:
    1. Click New Row.
    2. Specify the name of the object.
      The name of the entity populates the Entity Name field.
    3. To define user rights to the tables associated with the object, select the Read, Insert, Update and Delete check boxes.
  6. Click OK.