Crew tools
A tool is a type of inventory item that is associated with a specific asset, such as a bucket truck, fork lift, or trencher. Tools can be associated with a crew to perform a specific type of work.
A tool rate defines the cost of an asset. A tool sequence identifies the generic title of a tool, and acts like a placeholder for the tool that is assigned to the crew. The tool sequence must be unique within the crew in an organization.
The asset is identified by a unique asset number. An asset is the unique item that is being used by the crew. For example, a tool might be a truck, and the asset might be the truck with vehicle identification number (VIN) 984887. An asset that is assigned to a crew has a specific start date and an optional end date.
You can define a rate for a tool and for an asset. If a rate is entered for an asset, it overrides any rate specified in the tool rate.