Work Center Configuration

Business analysts and administrators can evaluate business requirements and configure the top-level information for the Work Supervision and Work Execution Work Centers to make them more specific to certain user roles.

Getting started

Note: Starting from Maximo® Application Suite 9.0 and Maximo Manage 9.0, all work centers are no longer available. The documentation provided for work centers applies only to Maximo Manage 8.7 and earlier versions.

You can log in to a Work Center and enter Design mode to see a representation of that Work Center. When you hover on parts of the Work Center, configurable elements are outlined. You can configure the following parts the Work Execution Work Center and the Work Progress page of the Work Supervision Work Center:

  • Header elements, such as the name of the Work Center and the display name.
  • The subheader in Work Execution.
  • The subset of cards that each panel or tab can display.
  • Field labels and attributes in cards.

After you configure the content, you can save configurations as a draft version and save comments to your draft version. The next time that you open the Work Center in Design mode, you can view or modify the saved draft. When you're finished making changes, you can add comments about the version and publish the configured Work Centers to your users. You also can delete the saved draft and start from the most recent published version. Version history is available to view.

A few other things to know

  • One person at a time can configure a Work Center, because changes might be overwritten or not saved.
  • The configuration features are supported on desktops and notebooks that have a recent Chrome browser. They are not supported on tablets or smartphones or with other browsers.
  • Configuration changes are available in the base language only.