Enabling technicians to create work orders

By default, technicians cannot create work orders in the Work Execution Work Center. Administrators can give technicians permission to create work orders. Administrators must also configure the Work Center to display work orders that technicians create.

About this task

Note: Starting in Maximo Application Suite 8.9 and Maximo Manage 8.5, this work center is no longer available. The information that is provided here applies only to Maximo Manage 8.4 and earlier versions.

Granting technicians permission to create work orders

To grant technicians permission to create work orders, administrators must give the security group for technicians Insert permission for the MXAPIWODETAIL object structure.


  1. In the Security Groups application, filter to locate the security group for technicians and select that security group.
  2. On the Object Structures tab, filter to locate the MXAPIWODETAIL object structure and select that object structure.
  3. Select the Grant Access check box for the Insert MAXAPIWODETAIL option.
  4. Click Grant Listed Options for This Object Structure.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Save the record.
    Technicians now have permission to create work orders.
  7. To complete the configuration, complete the following steps to clear the technician user sessions from the admin log:
    1. Go to the Users application.
    2. From the More Actions menu, select Manage Sessions.
    3. In the Manage Sessions window, delete all sessions for the users who are logged in as technicians.
    4. Click OK.
    5. In response to the system message about errors that occurred, click OK.
    6. To confirm that you want to log out the users, click Yes.
  8. Log in to the system as a technician and verify that you can create work orders.

Configuring tabs to display work orders that a technician creates

If administrators give technicians permission to create work orders, they must also configure one of the tabs in the Work Execution Work Center to display the work orders that a technician creates. To configure a tab to display work orders created by a technician, use the Design mode for the Work Execution Work Center.


  1. Log in to the Work Execution Work Center as an administrator with design configuration rights.
  2. Click Edit to enter Design mode
  3. Select the column that you want to edit.
  4. In the Design work panel, enter a new name for the column, such as Created by Me.
  5. Select the REST query option.
  6. Replace the existing clause in the Where clause field with the following clause:
  7. Click Save.
  8. To publish the changes, complete the following steps:
    1. Click Manage.
    2. Select the Publish as active workcenter action.
    3. In the Publish your Work Center window, click Publish.