Specifying meter readings
You use the Assets application to report meter readings for a selected asset.
Before you begin
About this task
- On the Meters tab of the Assets application, display the asset for which you want to type meter readings.
- Select the Enter Meter Readings action.
- In the New Reading field for the meter, specify a value. The Average Units/Day field value is calculated.
- If you are entering a delta reading, select the Delta check box. If the meter was set up as a delta reading type, the check box is selected by default. If you are specifying an actual reading that is a rollover reading, select the Rollover check box. In a rollover reading, the new reading value is less than the Previous Reading value due to a rollover.
- To view the details for the meter, click View Details.
- Optional: Edit the date and time in the New Reading Date field.
- Optional: Type a comment about the reading in the Remarks field.
- Click OK to save the specified readings and close the dialog box.