Specifying meter readings

You use the Assets application to report meter readings for a selected asset.

Before you begin

You might need to acquire the proper authorization to specify historical readings.

About this task

A historical reading has a New Reading Date that is before the last reading date.


  1. On the Meters tab of the Assets application, display the asset for which you want to type meter readings.
  2. Select the Enter Meter Readings action.
  3. In the New Reading field for the meter, specify a value. The Average Units/Day field value is calculated.
  4. If you are entering a delta reading, select the Delta check box. If the meter was set up as a delta reading type, the check box is selected by default. If you are specifying an actual reading that is a rollover reading, select the Rollover check box. In a rollover reading, the new reading value is less than the Previous Reading value due to a rollover.
  5. To view the details for the meter, click View Details.
  6. Optional: Edit the date and time in the New Reading Date field.
  7. Optional: Type a comment about the reading in the Remarks field.
  8. Click OK to save the specified readings and close the dialog box.