Adding views to databases

A view can contain data from more than one object in the database. You can create object views in addition to views on existing system objects. If you work with custom applications, you can add object tables in the Database Configuration application.

About this task

You can add an object table or view from any tab of the Database Configuration application.


  1. On the toolbar, click New Object, and specify a value and a description for the object.
  2. Optional: Type over the value in the Entity field to change the name of the object on the native database.
  3. In the Service field, specify a value or use the default value of CUSTAPP.
  4. In the Level field, specify the scope of the object in the Multisite scheme.
  5. Optional: To create a view, select an object in the Extends Object field. The View check box is selected by default.
  6. Optional: Provide the following additional object details:
    Option Description
    Main Object To make the object a main object for Workflow, select this check box.
    Persistent If the object is persistent, the check box is selected and three attributes are created: ID, description, and rowstamp.

    If the object is non-persistent, the check box is clear. Nothing is added for attributes but you cannot configure the database without creating at least one attribute for the object.

    User Defined If the object is a regular product object, the User Defined check box is clear. If the object was created by an administrator the User Defined check box is selected.
    Storage Partition If applicable to your database, specify a storage partition for the object.
    Unique Column The name of the attribute that is created as a unique identifier on a persistent object.
    This value is used in indexing.
    • If the object is flagged as imported, then a unique column is not required.
    • If you add a unique column, it must have a new column name and cannot exist in the native database.
    Text Search Enabled To enable text search on the object, select the check box. You can use this function with text search on attributes. (This field appears only for existing objects.)
  7. Optional: In the View section, define the following details for a view:
    Option Description
    View Where The WHERE clause that is used for the view.
    Join to Object The secondary object that is used in the join for this view. If the view joins two tables, you can type the name for the second table in this field.
    View Select The SELECT clause that is used for the view when the Automatically Select check box is cleared. Use the format SELECT TABLE1.COL1 AS A, TABLE2.COL2 AS B
    View From The FROM clause that is used for the view when the Automatically Select check box is cleared.
  8. Optional: In the Audit table window, create an audit table and select the Audit Enabled check box to edit the filter field for the E-audit function.
  9. Save the object.

What to do next

After you add an object table or view, you must configure the database for your changes to take effect.