Maximo Application Suite

What's new in Maximo Application Suite 8.10

Learn more about what's new and changed in IBM® Maximo® Application Suite 8.10.


Support for update approval method
From Maximo Application Suite 8.10, the manual deployment for applications and that use installation script for Maximo Application Suite are discontinued. To upgrade Maximo Application Suite and its applications, you must now run a conversion script to use a subscription method and subscribe to the latest channel.

For more information, see Upgrading IBM Maximo Application Suite and Converting IBM Maximo Application Suite from manual deployment to channel subscription.

Support for IBM Cloud Pak® for Data
You can now install IBM Cloud Pak for Data 4.6 with IBM Maximo Application Suite 8.10.

For more information, see Software Product Compatibility Reports (SPCR).

New default IBM Db2® integration
A default Db2 instance is now configured when you install the Maximo Application Suite with IBM Maximo Manage on Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure environment.

For more information, see Installing BYOL IBM Maximo Application Suite, Installing client managed IBM Maximo Application Suite for public paid offer, and Installing Maximo Application Suite.

Support for configuring Amazon MSK Kafka
You can now configure an Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka by using the CloudFormation template when you install the Maximo Application Suite on an Amazon Web Services environment.

The Amazon MSK is configured to process data streaming for applications such as IoT and IBM Maximo Monitor from Maximo Application Suite. Previously, you were able to configure the Amazon MSK manually.

For more information, see Installing BYOL IBM Maximo Application Suite and Installing client managed IBM Maximo Application Suite for public paid offer.

Support for configuring DocumentDB on Amazon Web Services
You can now configure a DocumentDB by using the CloudFormation template when you install the Maximo Application Suite. You can select either a new MongoDB or Amazon DocumentDB, or use an existing MongoDB or Amazon DocumentDB.

For more information, see Installing BYOL IBM Maximo Application Suite and Installing client managed IBM Maximo Application Suite for public paid offer.

Support for Microsoft Azure Private DNS zone
You can now configure Private DNS zone to resolve host names in your public domain when you install the Maximo Application Suite in a new Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

For more information, see Microsoft Azure DNS zones.

New support certificates from Let's Encrypt
You can use certificates from a well-known certificate authority (CA) when you deploy the Maximo Application Suite with the Bring Your Own License (BYOL) option in Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure.

For more information, see Configuring Let's Encrypt for Maximo Application Suite on Amazon Web Services and Configuring Let's Encrypt for Maximo Application Suite on Microsoft Azure.

Suite administration

Backing up and restoring Maximo Application Suite core and Maximo Manage

As an administrator, you can plan and implement backup and restore strategies for Maximo Application Suite core and Maximo Manage.

For more information, see Backing up and restoring IBM Maximo Application Suite.

Importing user data

To create multiple user records simultaneously, you can import your users' information by using a template that contains the information. You can download the template, which is a comma-separated values file, on the User page in the Suite administration user interface. In the .csv template, you enter the information for each user, such as identity details, contact information, and access entitlements that the user might need for applications and administration tasks. When you upload the completed .csv file, the data that you provided is processed, and a record is created for each user in the file.

For more information, see Importing users.

Updates to expiration times for user authentication sessions

Starting in Maximo Application Suite 8.10, the default expiration time for access token and refresh token has changed. The default expiration time for the access token is now 30 minutes. The default expiration time for the refresh token is now 12 hours.

For more information, see Configuring user authentication sessions.

IBM Maximo Connector for Envizi

The catalog includes a new tile for Maximo Connector for Envizi that can be used for automated Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting on locations and meters in Maximo Manage from Envizi ESG Suite.

For more information, see Integrating with Maximo Connector for Envizi.

IBM Maximo Connector for TRIRIGA®

The catalog includes a new tile for Maximo Connector for TRIRIGA . Maximo Connector for TRIRIGA integrates Maximo Manage with TRIRIGA Application Suite for streamlined operations, reporting, and workflows across your enterprise assets and facilities.

For more information, see Integrating with Maximo Connector for TRIRIGA .

Support for Federal Information Processing Standard 140-2
Cryptographic modules, data in motion, and data at rest that are used in the following applications, dependencies, and industry solutions support the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2:
  • Maximo Application Suite core and its dependencies such as IBM Suite License Service 3.7.0.
  • IBM Maximo Manage including add-ons, industry solutions, and connectors.

For more information, see Creating the Db2 instance by using the stand-alone Db2U operator,Suite License Service, and Installing Apache Kafka.

The following add-ons, industry solutions, and connectors do not support FIPS 140-2: IBM Maximo Civil Infrastructure, IBM Maximo Connector for Envizi, IBM Maximo Spatial, IBM Maximo Connector for TRIRIGA , IBM Maximo Connector for Workday Applications, IBM Maximo Connector for SAP Applications, and IBM Maximo Connector for Oracle applications.


What's new in Maximo Application Suite applications

Learn more about what’s new and changed for the following applications, industry solutions, and add-ons in Maximo Application Suite 8.10.