Tableau Resource Configuration

Note: Before you configure your scanner, make sure you meet the prerequisites. Read our guide Tableau Integration Requirements to double-check.

Source System Properties

This configuration can be setup by creating a new connection on Admin UI > Connections tab or editing an existing connection in Admin UI > Connections > Reporting & BI > Tableau > specific connection. New connection can also be created via Manta Orchestration API General Walkthrough Example.

One IBM Manta Data Lineage connection for Tableau corresponds to one site on Tableau Online or Tableau Server. The workbooks that are stored there will be analyzed.

Property name

Property code



Tableau site name

Name of the site on Tableau Online or Tableau Server; the site name can be found in the site URL, which has the format Use sitename as the property value

Leave blank for the default site; the URL of a default site has no site name in it:



Tableau site unique ID

Unique site identifier, which must be unique across all Tableau sites registered in Manta Data Lineage; it will only be used to identify the site in Manta Data Lineage

It can be (recommended), but any unique value is allowed

Even the default site must have an ID



Tableau server URL


Tableau server URL including the protocol but not including the site name

Note that for Tableau Online, the address must contain a pod name such as 10az or 10ay; this means that is not sufficient but is

Authentication method


Specifies which credentials should be used for authentication; possible values are:

  • Username and password — Username and password of a user with access to all extracted workbooks and data sources. The user must have at least an "Explorer (can publish)" role. Code for Orchestration API: USERNAME_PASSWORD. If the authentication method is not specified, this value is used.

If Tableau is configured to use multi-factor authentication, the username and password login method will not work. In this scenario, the Personal Access Token method will be required.
  • Personal Access Token — Personal Access Token (PAT) generated in the Tableau user settings specifically for Manta Data Lineage. See Tableau documentation for more information.
    Code for Orchestration API: PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN



Name of the user used to download data from Tableau Server

Required only if the “Username and password” authentication method is selected



Password of the user from the previous parameter

Required only if the “Username and password” authentication method is selected


Token name

Name of the token used to sign in to Tableau Server

Required only if the “Personal Access Token” authentication method is selected

Manta Data Lineage token

Token secret


Secret (value) of the token

Required only if the “Personal Access Token” authentication method is selected


Extracted workbooks



Regular expression describing the workbooks that should be downloaded; the full name of the workbook includes the names of all parent projects and the file name delimited by slashes (like project_name/subproject_name/Workbook name)

It's case sensitive

Leaving this parameter empty means "download everything" (except for excluded items)

Note that if the name of the resource you are trying to match includes a regex meta-character such as "[ ]{ } - ( )<>+?*", such characters must be preceded by an escape character "\" to cancel the regex special meaning/interpretation

To include a workbook called data report inside the project Personal Project, enter Personal Project/data report. Do not include the .twb suffix of the workbook or a slash at the beginning of the path.




Excluded workbooks



Regular expression describing the full names of the workbooks that should NOT be downloaded; the full name of the workbook includes the names of all parent projects and the file name delimited by slashes (like project_name/subproject_name/Workbook name)

It's case sensitive

Leaving this parameter empty means "download everything possible" (if it's not against "include")

(Note that if the name of the resource you are trying to match includes a regex meta-character such as "[ ]{ } - ( )<>+?*", such characters must be preceded by an escape character "\" to cancel the regex special meaning/interpretation)

Extraction Method (as of R42.1)


Set to Agent:default when the desired extraction method is the default Manta Extractor Agent, set to Agent:{remote_agent_name} when a remote Agent is the desired extraction method, set to Git:{} when the Git ingest method is the desired extraction method. For more information on setting up a remote extractor Agent please refer to the Manta Flow Agent Configuration for Extraction documentation. For additional details on configuring a Git ingest method, please refer to the Manta Flow Agent Configuration for Extraction:Git Source documentation.




REST API version


Version of the Tableau REST API to connect to

It is recommended to leave this field empty — it is only required for Tableau 2019.1 and older

Enter a specific REST API version (at least 2.3) if the default version is not supported by your Tableau instance; see the Tableau documentation to find the appropriate version of the API for your version of Tableau


Input encoding


Encoding of provided Tableau files; only needed if input has been served manually by the client. See Encodings for applicable values.


Common Scanner Properties

This configuration is common for all Tableau source systems and for all Tableau scenarios, and is configure in Admin UI > Configuration > CLI > Tableau > Tableau Common. It can be overridden on individual connection level.

Property name Property code Description Example (default value)
Input directory tableau.input.dir Directory with files extracted from the Tableau Content Store ${manta.dir.temp}/tableau/${}