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This page aggregates a list of all publicly consumable events that can be used in integrations.

Name of the event Message Priority Type Public parameters As of Manta version
SCENARIO_SUCCESS_EVENT Scenario '%{scenario}' successfully finished its execution. HIGH INFORMATION scenario 34
SCENAIRO_FAILURE_EVENT Scenario '%{scenario}' failed to execute. HIGH INFORMATION scenario 34
SCENARIO_STATISTICS_EVENT Scenario '%{scenario}' has successfully processed %{scriptSuccessPercentage}% scripts (%{statementSuccessPercentage}% statements). HIGH INFORMATION scriptSuccessPercentage, statementSuccessPercentage, goodStatements, totalStatements, goodScripts, totalScripts 34
WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_FINISHED_EVENT Workflow execution (id: %{workflowExecutionId}, name: %{workflowId}) finished with state %{executionState}. HIGH INFORMATION "workflowExecutionId", "workflowId", "executedBy", "addedToWaitingQueue", "executionStart", "executionEnd", "executionState", "executionType", "executions" 35