PowerDesigner Resource Configuration
Before you configure your scanner, make sure you meet the prerequisites. Read our guide on PowerDesigner integration requirements to double-check.
Source System Properties
This configuration can be setup by creating a new connection on Admin UI > Connections tab or editing an existing connection in Admin UI / Connections / Data Integration Tools / PowerDesigner / specific connection. New connection can also be created via Manta Orchestration API.
Property name | Description | Example |
powerdesigner.system.id | Enter the name of a resource representing this PowerDesigner system (a set of PowerDesigner models sharing a database connection configuration, used as an input subdirectory containing the models and their connection settings) | system_name |
Common Scanner Properties
This configuration is common for all PowerDesigner source systems and for all PowerDesigner scenarios, and is configure in Admin UI > Configuration > CLI > PowerDesigner > PowerDesigner Common. It can be overridden on individual connection level.
Property name |
Description |
Example |
powerdesigner.input.dir |
Directory with manually provided PowerDesigner systems |
${manta.dir.input}/powerdesigner/${powerdesigner.system.id} |
powerdesigner.models |
Subfolder of ${
models |
powerdesigner.connections.ini |
The The format of the The name of a physical model is specified in the XML model file under the RootObject/Model/Children/Model/Name property. An example of a defined connection in the
connections.ini |
powerdesigner.files.encoding |
Encoding of the input PowerDesigner XML-based model files. See Encodings for applicable values. |
UTF-8 |
filepath.lowercase |
Whether paths to files should be lowercase (false for case sensitive file systems, true otherwise) |
true |
PowerDesigner File Extensions
Extension |
Meaning |
.oom |
An object-oriented model (OOM) helps you analyze an information system through use cases, structural and behavioral analyses, and in terms of deployment, using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). You can model, reverse-engineer, and generate for Java, .NET, and other languages. |
.pdm |
A physical data model (PDM) helps you analyze tables, views, and other DBOs. It is more concrete. |
.cdm |
A conceptual data model (CDM) helps you analyze the conceptual structure of an information system to identify the principal entities to be represented, their attributes, and the relationships between them. A CDM is more abstract than a logical (LDM) or physical (PDM) data model. |
.ldm |
A logical data model (LDM) helps you analyze the structure of an information system, independent of any specific physical database implementation. An LDM has migrated entity identifiers and is less abstract than a conceptual data model (CDM), but it does not allow you to model views, indexes, or other elements that are available in the more concrete physical data model (PDM). |
.bpm |
A business process model (BPM) helps you identify, describe, and decompose business processes. You can analyze your system at various levels of detail and focus alternatively on control flow (the sequence of execution) or data flow (the exchange of data). SAP® PowerDesigner® supports Analysis, SOA, DFD, SAP® Solution Manager, BPMN (including for SAP BPM), and BPEL process languages and process simulation through SIMUL8. |
.xml |
Dataflow Generation
To generate lineage over PowerDesigner objects, Open Manta Interpolation needs to be configured and executed. This configuration is independent of the PowerDesigner configuration. For a detailed description, see Open Manta Interpolation Configuration.