Netezza Integration Requirements
The following are the prerequisites necessary for IBM Manta Data Lineage to connect to this third-party system, which you may choose to do at your sole discretion. Note that while these are usually sufficient to connect to this third-party system, we cannot guarantee that the connection or integration will be successful since we have no control, liability, or responsibility for third-party products or services, including for their performance.
IBM PureData System for Analytics: version 7.2 or newer (remote)
User having the following rights for each extracted database:
LIST — for connecting to the database
SELECT on the following system tables / views (granted to every user by default, unless explicitly revoked):
- _t_environ
- _v_database
- _v_schema
- _v_table
- _v_extobject
- _v_view
- _v_relation_column
- _v_relation_keydata
- _v_procedure
- _v_function
- _v_aggregate
- _v_sequence
- _v_synonym
In each extracted schema:
- LIST — to access the schema
- SELECT on the following management table (must be explicitly granted):
- _vt_sequence
- LIST on all relevant object types:
GRANT LIST ON <db>.<schema>.SEQUENCE TO <manta user>;
GRANT LIST ON <db>.<schema>.SYNONYM TO <manta user>;
GRANT LIST ON <db>.<schema>.TABLE TO <manta user>;
GRANT LIST ON <db>.<schema>.EXTERNAL TABLE TO <manta user>;
GRANT LIST ON <db>.<schema>.FUNCTION TO <manta user>;
GRANT LIST ON <db>.<schema>.AGGREGATE TO <manta user>;
GRANT LIST ON <db>.<schema>.PROCEDURE TO <manta user>;
GRANT LIST ON <db>.<schema>.VIEW TO <manta user>;
GRANT LIST ON <db>.<schema>.MATERIALIZED VIEW TO <manta user>;
Connection parameters:
- Name or IP address of the Netezza database
- Port on which the Netezza database listens for JDBC connections (default is 5480)
- Initial database (can be any of the extracted databases)
- User name
- User password
Database must be accessible via network
properties name of the database and schema where IBM SQL Extensions toolkit is installed
Known Unsupported Features
IBM Manta Data Lineage does not support the following Netezza features. This list includes all of the features that IBM is aware are unsupported, but it might not be comprehensive.
- Lineage through dynamically executed code through EXECUTE IMMEDIATE
- Lineage through external tables
- Synonyms are included in the data lineage visualization only if they are referenced in the SQL queries, procedures, or functions. If they are not referenced, they will not appear in either the flow viewer or the object list.