Open Manta Direct Link Usage

If it is only necessary to link existing objects in the Manta Flow repository because data is moved between them by processes that are not supported by Manta Flow out of the box, you can list the links in a comma-separated CSV file.

Structure of the CSV file for listing links

The CSV file must have the following structure:

A leading slash is possible but optional.

If there is a slash, backslash, or quotation mark character (/\") in any part of the full path, you must enclose the whole path in quotation marks. For example: "path".

Then, enclose the affected part in quotation marks that are escaped by backslashes. For example, "\"part/1\"/part2".

Backslash and quotation mark characters must be double escaped by double backslashes. For example, "\"part\\\"1\"/\"part\\\\2\"".

Consider the following examples.


Original path Escaped path
/part1/part2 /part1/part2 or "/part1 part2"
/part 1/part2 /part 1/part2 or "/part 1/part2"
/part-1/part2 /part-1/part2 or "/part-1/part2"
/part_1/part2 /part_1/part2 or "/part_1/part2"
/part/1/part2 "/\"part/1\"/part2"
/part"1/part2 "/\"part\\\"1\"/part2"
/part\1/part2 "/\"part\\\\1\"/part2"
/Sybase\DBX/part2 "/\"Sybase\\\\DBX\"/part2"
/DB2/coreprd002\db2p1/IPRD1/STG/STG_SAP_PTNR_ATTR "/DB2/\"coreprd002\\\\db2p1\"/IPRD1/STG/STG_SAP_PTNR_ATTR"
/PowerBI/powerbi/Demo/Order Demo Extension.pbix/Datamodel/#"Query1"/Extended_Order_Line_Gross_Dollar_Amount "/PowerBI/powerbi/Demo/Order Demo Extension.pbix/Datamodel/\"#\"Query1\"\"/Extended_Order_Line_Gross_Dollar_Amount"

You can specify links on different levels.

Connections are used for Open Manta direct links. For more information, see Open Manta Direct Link Configuration

The input file might contain a header on the first line in this format: Source, Target.