Open Manta Interpolation Overview
Interpolation in the context of Manta Flow is a process of dataflow and transformation asset generation in a (derived) layer based on a dataflow in another (base) layer.
When Is Interpolation Useful
Interpolation applies when generating data flow from modeling tools such as ER/Studio, PowerDesigner, or Erwin. These tools are able to provide logical data objects, including mapping to database objects such as tables or views, but not dataflow or transformation assets in the logical layer. Interpolation is also applicable in combination with the conceptual overlays feature.
The following picture captures a sample output of a physical data analysis (red) and a logical model analysis (blue) before interpolation is executed.
The interpolation process adds data flow and, optionally, logical transformations to the logical layer. The logical data flows reflect the physical ones. No additional logical objects are generated. If logical transformation generation is enabled, the last physical transformation from the transformation chain is used as a pattern. The following picture captures the state after the interpolation process.
Interpolation Connection
To perform interpolation, a connection configuration is needed. This configuration does not depend on the modeling tool or conceptual overlay connections. For example, if all modeling tool connections produce a logical layer mapped to a physical layer, only one interpolation connection is needed.
For more information about interpolation connection configuration details, see Open MANTA Interpolation Configuration.