How to Manually Extract the Repository Dump in OBIEE

The repository dump is one of two files that need to be manually extracted so that analyses and the repository are analyzed correctly. This file is needed to create repository nodes and lineage. These steps will help you correctly perform the extraction.

  1. Download the RPD file.

    1. This can be done, for example, by using curl in the Windows command line.

    2. curl -X POST "http://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>/bi-lcm/v1/si/ssi/rpd/downloadrpd" --data-urlencode "target-password=<RPD_PASSWORD>" --basic --user <USER>:<PASSWORD> > <TMP_FILE>

      1. <HOSTNAME> and <PORT> are the hostname and port of your OBIEE instance.

      2. <RPD_PASSWORD> is the intended password of the downloaded RPD file.

      3. <USER> and <PASSWORD> are the credentials of your OBIEE instance.

      4. <TMP_FILE> is the intended path of the downloaded RPD file; for example, C:\tmp\repo.rpd.

  2. Create an XML dump from the RPD file.

    1. This can be done using the biserverxmlgen utility. For more information, see Generating XML from an Existing RPD in the official Oracle documentation .

    2. Here is an example of how it is used in the Windows command line.

      1. First, change the directory, for example, cd C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\bi\bitools\bin.

      2. biserverxmlgen -R <TMP_FILE> -P <RPD_PASSWORD> -O <PATH>\repository.xml

      3. <TMP_FILE> and <RPD_PASSWORD> are the same as in the first step of downloading the RPD file.

      4. <PATH> should match the obiee.manualInput.dir directory. (See OBIEE Resource Configuration.)

        1. By default, this folder points to <MANTA_FOLDER>\cli\input\obiee\<CONNECTION_NAME>.

        2. <MANTA_FOLDER> is the folder where you installed Manta.

        3. <CONNECTION_NAME> is the name of the OBIEE connection that you use in Manta Admin GUI.

    3. The resulting file must be named repository.xml.

  3. Don’t forget to update this dump in the future, whenever you make any changes in your OBIEE repository and you want the changes to be visualized. Remember that analyses are extracted automatically; therefore, not updating the repository dump could result in lineage inconsistencies.