How to Test Informatica PowerCenter Command Line Utilities & Privileges Independently of IBM Manta Data Lineage


Manta Data Lineage uses informatica PowerCenter command line utilities and pmrep to connect to the repository and extract Integration Service Settings, Connections, Workflows. See Informatica PowerCenter Resource Configuration for more information. This connectivity can be tested independently of Manta Data Lineage to validate correct installation and configuration of the utilities as well as privileges for the user.

Testing connectivity

  1. -dn <Domain Name> -un <User Name> -pd <Password> -st IS  -sdn <Security Domain>
  2. pmrep

    connect -r <repository_name> -h <portal_host_name> -o <portal_port_number> -n <user_name> -x <password> -s <security_domain>
    #connect -r INFA_REP -h -o 6005 -n Administrator -x XXX -s Native

List and extract Integration Service nodes

#List of services: isp ListServices -dn <Domain Name> -un <User Name> -pd <Password> -st IS  -sdn <Security Domain>

#For each service, get a list of nodes: isp ListServiceNodes -dn <Domain Name> -un <User Name> -pd <Password> -sn <Service Name>

#For each service, for one of its nodes, obtains all options: isp GetServiceProcessOption -dn <Domain Name> -un <User Name> -pd <Password> -sn <Service Name> -nn <Node Name> -op <Option Name>

List and extract Connections

Run the following in pmrep

# get list of all connections

# get details for a connection <Name> of type <Type> (can be obtained from the output of the previous command)
GetConnectionDetails -n <Name> -t <Type>

List and extract Workflows

Run the following in pmrep

#list all folders
listobjects -o Folder

#list objects in folder <Folder> (can be obtained from the output of the previous command)
listobjects -o Workflow -f <Folder> 

#Export workflow <workflow_name> from folder <folder_name> into output file <xml_file_path> (can be obtained from the output of the previous command)
ObjectExport -o Workflow -n <workflow_name> -f <folder_name> -u <xml_file_path> -m -s -b -r -l pmrep.log