How to Run Manta Installer as a Non-Root User

The installer, by default, requires root privileges. In some specific scenarios, you won’t be able to install IBM Manta Data Lineage as a root. There is an option to avoid root validation on Linux and install it under the user that will be used for Manta Data Lineage.

Please note that this option has the following limitations.

Manta Data Lineage recommends installing Manta Data Lineage under a root user.


  1. Choose the user and group who will install Manta Data Lineage (and who will start it).

  2. Create the directory /var/opt/mantatools/.

  3. Give the chosen user and group permission to create files in the abovementioned directory.

  4. Run the installer --admin 0 as a chosen user.

  5. Manually install services: If you need to install services manually, the init.d script is available in <MANTA_HOME>/server/bin/ for Manta Server and <MANTA_HOME>/serviceutility/bin/ for Updater and Configurator.

    1. Copy the scripts to /etc/init.d.

      1. sudo cp <MANTA_HOME>/server/bin/ /etc/init.d/MantaFlowServer

      2. sudo cp <MANTA_HOME>/serviceutility/bin/ /etc/init.d/MantaUtilityTool

    2. Make it executable.

      1. sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/MantaFlowServer /etc/init.d/MantaUtilityTool
    3. Reload services.

      1. sudo systemctl daemon-reload