Manta Flow Open Manta Integration Export Execution

Note that dictionary export is executed if and only if at least one dictionary export connection is configured. The model export is also executed if and only if at least one model export connection is configured.
For more information, see Manta Flow Open Manta Integration Export Configuration.

Execution by Using a Shell Script

To execute the export:

  1. Perform an initial configuration based on the descriptions in the article Open Manta Integration Export Configuration.

  2. Once all the necessary metadata is in the Manta Flow Server, run _run_export_openexport.bat (on Windows) or (on Linux); otherwise, execute the whole extraction, analysis, and export process by running _run_openexport.bat (on Windows) or (on Linux).

  3. After the export is completed:

    1. The output files with transformation objects and lineage are stored in the ${manta.dir.output}/<technology>/${<technology>}/openexport folder, where <technology> represents the exported technology.

    2. The output files with dictionary objects are stored in the ${manta.dir.output}/openexportdictionaries/${} folder.

    3. The output files with model objects and model relations are stored in the ${manta.dir.output}/openexportmodels/${} folder.

Execution by Using Manta Orchestration API

To execute the export:

  1. Perform an initial configuration based on the descriptions in the article Open Manta Integration Export Configuration.

  2. Once all the necessary metadata is in the Manta Flow Server, execute Manta Workflow to execute the export.

    • A workflow with the same definition as the run_all_export workflow template can be used. See http://< MANTA_ADMIN_GUI_BASE_URL >/public/process-manager/v1/workflow/templates/Run%20Export%20OpenExport where MANTA_ADMIN_GUI_BASE_URL is your MANTA_ADMIN_GUI_BASE_URL.
  3. Or, if the metadata is not accessible in Manta Flow Server yet, execute Manta Workflow to execute the whole extraction, analysis, and export process.

    • A workflow with the same definition as the run_all workflow template can be used. See http://< MANTA_ADMIN_GUI_BASE_URL >/public/process-manager/v1/workflow/templates/Run%20OpenExport where MANTA_ADMIN_GUI_BASE_URL is your MANTA_ADMIN_GUI_BASE_URL.
  4. After the export is completed:

    1. The output files with transformation objects and lineage are stored in the <MANTA_HOME>/cli/outputs/<job_id>/<technology>/${<technology>}/openexport folder, where <technology> represents the exported technology.

    2. The output files with dictionary objects are stored in the <MANTA_HOME>/cli/outputs/<job_id>/openexportdictionaries/${} folder.

    3. The output files with model objects and model relations are stored in the <MANTA_HOME>/cli/outputs/<job_id>/openexportmodels/${} folder.

    4. The output can also be obtained by using the Get Workflow Execution Output API endpoint. See http://< MANTA_ADMIN_GUI_BASE_URL >/public/process-manager/v1/executions/{executionId}/output where MANTA_ADMIN_GUI_BASE_URL is your MANTA_ADMIN_GUI_BASE_URL.

Execution by Using Manta Process Manager

To execute the export:

  1. Perform an initial configuration based on the descriptions in the article Open Manta Integration Export Configuration.

  2. Once all the necessary metadata is in the Manta Flow Server:

    1. Click Execute Workflow under the Process Manager tab in Manta Admin UI.

    2. In the Execute Workflow/Scenario window, under the tab Standard Workflows, select Run Export OpenExport.

    3. In the Confirm the Execution dialog, click the OK button to confirm.

  3. After the export is completed:

    1. On the Process Manager screen, in the Workflow History table, click the icon for the Output Column and the row related to the last workflow execution to download the ZIP archive containing the CSV files with exported data.

    2. The output files with transformation objects and lineage are stored in the <job_id>/<technology>/<connection>/openexport folder relative to the ZIP archive root.

    3. The output files with dictionary objects are stored in the <job_id>/openexportdictionaries/<connection> folder relative to the ZIP archive root.

    4. The output files with model objects and model relations are stored in the <job_id>/openexportmodels/<connection> folder relative to the ZIP archive root.

For more information on Manta Process Manager, see Manta Process Manager.