Active Tags
Active tags are a specialized kind of attribute visible next to the object name in the repository tree and dataflow visualization. Available for nodes, this is an attribute that also carries its own metadata characteristics. The set of active tags available in your IBM Manta Data Lineage instance is configured by the Manta Data Lineage Administrator. (See Active Tag Administration for more details.)
Here is an example of an active tag visualization. The active tags are the boxes on the right, next to the object name.
The image illustrates how active tag icons are displayed. If a node has more than three active tags, the hidden tags can be accessed by hovering over the ellipsis icon. Hover over an active tag icon to display the tooltip with the active tag detail.
Note: If you wish to add a new active tag or modify an existing one, contact your Manta Data Lineage administrator.
Displaying Active Tags in Manta Data Lineage
Active tags are displayed in the repository tree and in the data lineage. In both cases, the active tags that belong to the node are displayed next to the node. In the data lineage, so-called summary tags are also displayed. A summary active tag is an indicator that some of the node’s descendants have that active tag. Summary active tags are only displayed in the data lineage view.
Displaying Active Tags in the Repository Tree
In the repository tree, up to three active tag icons are displayed for each node. If the node has more active tags, the hidden tags will appear in the tooltip when hovering over the gray ellipsis icon.
In the repository tree, only the active tags that belong to the node are displayed. Summary active tags are not displayed there.
Displaying Active Tags in the Data Lineage
Up to three active tag icons are displayed for each node in the lineage visualization. If the node has more than three active tags, the hidden tags will appear in the tooltip when hovering over the gray ellipsis icon.
When the node is collapsed (left part of the following image), summary active tags are displayed if any of the node descendants have an active tag. The summary active tag icon is displayed as two smaller icons on top of each other (e.g., the icons “OR”, “SR”, “CN”, and “TYP” in the following image).
For the summary tag, the tooltip displays information on how many descendants the active tag has. For ordinary active tags, the tooltip displays attributes and links based on the configuration.
The following image illustrates nodes with active tags and a tooltip containing all the other active tags of the node hidden under the ellipsis icon, including summary active tags.
The following image illustrates nodes with active tags and a tooltip containing the detail of an active tag.