Manta Launcher

Purpose of This Document

This document provides guidance to IBM Manta Data Lineage administrators on how to use Manta Launcher, enabling them to launch all Manta Data Lineage products in the correct order using a single utility.

Manta Launcher ships with a dedicated web server that presents a web interface showing runtime info about the whole installation. The Manta Launcher dashboard is available at http://localhost:8282/manta-launcher/ by default. The actual port can be changed during installation.

The dashboard shows a simple table with a list of applications and their statuses together with some other useful data.

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Launcher Dashboard

The dashboard contains following data points.

Integration to the Operating System

Manta Data Lineage is installed as a single service called MantaLauncher. This service starts Manta Launcher, which then starts up all the components in the correct order. To restart an individual component use the control scripts provided in the installation directory.


Manta Data Lineage is composed of three standalone applications (Manta Flow Server, Manta Admin UI, and Keycloak), Open Manta Designer, Configuration Service and CLI, controllable by Manta Process Manager. Because of this, we provide a simple utility for Manta administrators that will launch all long-running, standalone applications (Manta Flow Server, Manta Admin UI, and Keycloak) in the correct order and tell the user whether they have been launched correctly. An application is deemed to have started correctly when the utility can successfully verify the following conditions.

Note: Manta Launcher is a utility for on-premises installations only.

Manta Launcher

Manta Launcher is a Java command-line utility that launches all installed Manta Data Lineage components using the preferred startup mode. If the components are installed as services, Launcher will start them as OS services, if not, Launcher will start the components using the startup scripts. Manta Launcher should be used with the provided bash scripts for Unix-based operating systems and batch scripts for Windows. The scripts are located in <MANTA_HOME>/launcher/bin/*.[sh|bat].

Since the application is a command-line application, it runs in a shell. The user can find out whether or not the application has successfully started from the printed messages and the log files.

Note: Manta Launcher creates log files in the <MANTA_HOME>/launcher/logs folder. It also creates records of standard output and standard error output for each of the components. If there are any issues, provide the log files from this folder to support.

For ease of use, Windows operating systems have shortcuts that start the shell or symbolic links in Unix-based systems pointing to the scripts starting Manta Launcher in the installation folder. The shortcuts/symlinks are created based on the mode of installation of the Manta Data Lineage components.

Administration of Manta Data Lineage Component Processes

This section discusses the administration of Manta Data Lineage component processes. All of the following administration procedures are automated by Manta Launcher, but they can also be performed manually, if required.

Dependencies between Manta Data Lineage Components

Some Manta Data Lineage components need other components to run in order to be fully functional. Manta Launcher is aware of these dependencies and starts the applications in the correct order so that all the applications are fully functional during startup and afterwards.

If you need to start up the Manta Data Lineage components manually, the correct order is:

  1. Manta Keycloak / Manta ActiveMQ Artemis

  2. Manta Configuration service

  3. Manta Flow Server / Manta Admin UI / Open Manta Designer

To shut down gracefully, the order of these applications should be reversed.

Starting Manta Data Lineage Components Using Startup Scripts

Each of the Manta Data Lineage components has a custom startup script that will start the application as a new process. This method of starting a Manta Data Lineage application is generally used when the application is not installed as a service. Manta Launcher launches the application in the correct dependency order—it launches an application, waits until it is responsive, and then launches the next application.

The list of scripts used to start the applications is in the table below.

Manta Data Lineage component Script
Manta Flow Server /server/bin/startup.[sh|bat]
Manta Admin UI /serviceutility/bin/startup.[sh|bat]
Manta Keycloak /keycloak/bin/startup.[sh|bat]
Manta ActiveMQ Artemis /manta_broker/bin/artemis.[cmd] run
Configuration Service /configurationservice/bin/startup.[sh|bat]
Open Manta Designer /openmantadesigner/bin/startup.[sh|bat]

Shutting Down Manta Data Lineage Components Using Scripts

Each of the Manta Data Lineage components has a bash/batch script that should be used to shut down the applications gracefully. This method of shutting down applications is generally used when the application is not installed as a service. Manta Launcher shuts the applications down in the correct dependency order, which is the reverse of the startup order—it gracefully shuts the application down, waits until it is not responsive, and then gracefully shuts down the next application.

The list of scripts used to shut down the applications is in the table below.

Manta Data Lineage component Script
Manta Flow Server /server/bin/shutdown.[sh|bat]
Manta Admin UI /serviceutility/bin/shutdown.[sh|bat]
Manta Keycloak /keycloak/bin/shutdown.[sh|bat]
Manta ActiveMQ Artemis /manta_broker/bin/artemis.[cmd] stop
Configuration Service /configurationservice/bin/shutdown.[sh|bat]
Open Manta Designer /openmantadesigner/bin/shutdown.[sh|bat]

Starting Manta Data Lineage Components as OS Services

Each Manta Data Lineage component can also be started as a service, if it is installed as such. Manta Launcher uses the command net start <SERVICE_NAME> (see the documentation for the net command, including exit codes and other possible errors that would be outputted to the appropriate stdout log file) to start the service on Windows and the command service <SERVICE_NAME> start (see the documentation for the service command used to administer systemd services) on Unix systems. The algorithm for starting a service is the same as it is when starting an application using a script—Launcher starts the service, waits until it is responsive, and then launches the next service.

Shutting Down Manta Data Lineage Services

Each Manta Data Lineage service can also be gracefully shut down using Manta Launcher. Manta Launcher uses the command net stop <SERVICE_NAME> to gracefully shut the service down on Windows and the command service <SERVICE_NAME> stop on Unix systems. The algorithm for gracefully shutting down a service is the same as it is when shutting down an application using a script—Launcher gracefully shuts the service down, waits until it is not responsive, and then proceeds with the next application.

Shutting Down Manta Data Lineage Applications Forcefully

Manta Launcher also provides an option to forcefully shut down all Manta Data Lineage processes. This option should only be used if the graceful shutdown is not successful. The algorithm determines the process ID of the running Manta Data Lineage process and then kills it using the appropriate OS-specific command.

HTTPS Configuration of Manta Data Lineage Components

For information on setting up HTTPS configuration see Caddy proxy.