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Common Resource Configuration

This configuration is common for all source systems and is stored in the file. It contains connection information for the internal metadata repository, including how many historical versions should be preserved there, where custom metadata for import is stored, and where to export all metadata. If it is necessary to reconfigure the server side, these properties should be changed.

Property name




Base URL of the internal metadata repository server



How many historical versions should be preserved in the metadata server


manta.merger.preserveCountMajorsOnly Set to true (default) if the revisions to be preserved should be counted through major ones only regardless of the minor revision count associated with the major revision. Set to false otherwise, that is, if revision counting should be done through both major and minor revisions. true
manta.sourceCode.threadCount Enter how many threads will be send source code files in the metadata server. 2
manta.cli.systemTruststore.path Path to the PKCS12 truststore used for internal Manta Data Lineage requests (HTTPs to MANTA Flow Server) and system integrations (e.g. HTTPs to CyberArk). ${manta.dir.scenario}/conf/mantaSystemTruststore.pkcs12
manta.cli.systemTruststore.password Password for the PKCS12 truststore used for internal IBM Manta Data Lineage requests (HTTPs to MANTA Flow Server) and system integrations (e.g. HTTPs to CyberArk). mantaSystemTruststore (default password)

Flag whether certificate hostname check is performed during internal Manta Data Lineage requests (HTTPs to MANTA Flow Server). If turned off, a certificate can be issued to a server with different name.


manta.cli.mantaConnectors.path Path to the PKCS12 truststore used for used for connection to servers. ${manta.dir.scenario}/conf/mantaConnectorsTruststore.pkcs12
manta.cli.mantaConnectors.password Password for the PKCS12 truststore used for connection to servers. mantaConnectorsTruststore
manta.csv.temp Temporary directory for the export to CSV files. ${manta.dir.temp}/csv


Output directory for export to CSV files


manta.exporter.includeSource Flag if the source code also has to be exported true

Flag if the CSV export files should include column headers


Indicate if the imported CSV files are expected to have column headers included or not

The allowed values are "true", "autodetect", and "false"

Autodetect means that the column headers will be determined by the first line of the CSV file

manta.scheduler.max.cpu Maximal number of CPU cores that scheduler in Process Manager may use for planning and execution scenarios. 4
manta.scheduler.max.memory Maximal amount of memory (also known as xmx) in megabytes that Process Manager may use for planning and execution of scenarios. 4096
manta.memoryGuardService.enabled Toggle controlling whether large input memory protection is enabled or disabled. (as of R42.3 implemented only by PostgreSQL scanner, default is true) false
manta.memoryGuardService.limitsTolerance Defines coefficient of how proactive memory protection is when terminating inputs with a high risk that their processing would not fit into available memory.
Value is a multiplier based on 100 where values below 100 represent a safer approach and bigger values represent a more risky approach.
manta.incremental.updates.enabled Whether targeted scans should be enabled. Before enabling, please see R42 release notes for more info. false
manta.scanner.dictionary.automapping Toggle controlling whether dictionary automapping is enabled or disabled. false
manta.perpetualProcess.retentionDays All files persisted by a perpetual process older than this value (in days) will be eventually deleted. 60