Power BI Include/Exclude Options

The options in your IBM Manta Data Lineage Power BI connection to include or exclude give users the ability to limit the scope of workspaces and reports that will be included in the scan for lineage content. This document details the use of properties that filter reports extracted by the Power BI scanner. If you are interested in all the reports available, leave these properties blank.

Included and Excluded Reports

In each extraction mode, there are two properties that can be used to filter the reports to be extracted.

All these fields use Java regular expressions to determine whether a report or workspace is matched. By default, matching is case-sensitive (can be changed by using case insensitive modifier (?i) at the beginning of the regular expression) and special characters behave differently than what might be expected (as per regular expression syntax). The following examples show how to match case-insensitively and escape special characters.

Leaving the Include field empty matches all reports. Leaving the Exclude field empty does not exclude any reports. So, the default (both properties being empty) matches all accessible reports.

The Exclude field takes higher precedence over the Include field, meaning that a report matched by both fields will be excluded.

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Here are some examples of what can be entered in the Extracted Reports and Excluded Reports properties.

The Difference between Azure and Local Extraction Mode

In terms of the include/exclude options, the difference lies in the path to the report.

This may not seem like a big difference, but despite the fact that Power BI Azure’s workspaces cannot contain more workspaces, the folders may contain folders. Additionally, note that although Power BI Azure allows report names to contain /, this currently is not supported by Manta Data Lineage.