Applications and their data storage levels

Records must be unique within the data storage level. For example, the Automation Scripts application stores data at the enterprise level, so you could not have two scripts with the same identifiers in an enterprise. Some applications, such as the Job Plans application, are able to store data at multiple levels.

Table 1. Applications and the levels at which they store data
Application Enterprise level Set level Organization level Site level Notes
Actions X        
Activities and Tasks       X  
Application Designer X        
Asset Templates     X    
Assets       X Assets are defined at the site level. However, a user can issue items from a storeroom located in one site to an asset located in another site. The user must have access to both sites, and the two sites must belong to the same organization.
Assignment Manager       X  
Automation Scripts X        
Bulletin Board X        
Calendars X        
Catalogs   Item set      
Catalog Orders       X  
Catalog Purchase Requisitions       X  
Chart of Accounts     X    
CI Types X        
Classifications X   X X Classifications exist at the enterprise level but can be restricted to a particular organization or site.
Cognos Reporting X        
Commodity Codes   Item set     Menu item
Company Master   Company set     Company master records are defined at the company set level and are unique at that level.
Companies     X   Company records are defined at the organization level. However, they are unique at the company set level. A company record must exist in the Company Master application before it can be defined for an organization.
Communication Templates X        
Condition Codes   Item set     All condition enabled items in an item set can use the codes.
Condition Monitoring       X Condition monitoring points are defined against an asset or location and hence are accessible only in the site where the asset or location is defined.
Conditional Expression Manager X        
Configuration Items X        
Conversion Values   Item set     All condition enabled items in an item set can use the codes.
Create Interactions X        
Crews     X    
Crew Types     X    
Cost Management       X  
Crafts     X    
Create Requisitions       X Transactions can reside at enterprise, organization, or site level.
Create Service Requests X   X X Transactions can reside at enterprise, organization, or site level.
Cron Task Setup X        
Currency Codes X       All sites and organizations can access currency codes.
Database Configuration X        
Database Information X        
Domains X   X X Domains are defined at the enterprise level, but individual values can be restricted to an organization or site.
Email Interaction Setup X        
Email Listeners X        
End Points X        
Enterprise Services X        
Escalations X        
Exchange Rates     X   Exchange rates are accessible to all sites in the organization in which the exchange rates were defined.
External Systems X        
Failure Codes     X   The problems, causes, and remedies associated with failure codes are also defined at the organization level and are unique at that level.
Features X        
Fulfillment Options   Item set   X  
Global Search X        
Hazards     X   The precautions associated with the hazards are defined at the site level.
Interactions X        
Inventory       X Items in a storeroom are defined at the site level. Items can be transferred from a storeroom in one site to a storeroom in another site, provided the two sites belong to the same organization or the organizations of the two sites use the same item set.
Inventory Usage       X  
Incidents X       Incidents are defined at the enterprise level. The incident can specify an asset or location that belongs to any site. The incident can also be handled at any site, not just the site specified for the asset or location.
Integration Modules X        
Invocation Channels X        
Invoices       X  
Issues and Transfers       X  
Item Master   Item set     Items are defined at the item set level and the identifiers are unique at that level. An organization can use only one item set, and all sites in that organization can access all the items defined in that item set.
Job Plans X   X X Job plans can be defined at the enterprise level, organization level, or site level. When a job plan is defined at the enterprise level, the identifier is unique at that level. No other job plan at the site level or the organization level can have the same identifier. When a job plan is defined at the organization level, the identifier is unique at the organization level. No other job plan at the site level within that organization can have the same identifier.
KPI Manager X        
KPI Viewer X        
Labor     X    
Labor Rate Contracts     X   Labor rate contracts are accessible to all the sites in the organization in which the contract was created.
Labor Reporting       X  
Launch in Context X        
Lease/Rental Contracts     X   Though lease/rental contracts are defined at the organization level, you must explicitly specify the sites to which a lease/rental contract applies using the Authorize Sites action. The sites must belong to the organization in which the contract is created or to an organization that uses the same item set and company set as the organization in which the contract is created.
Locations       X Though locations are defined at the site level, a user can issue items from a storeroom located in one site to a location in another site. The user must have access to both sites, and the two sites must belong to the same organization.
Lock Out/Tag Out       X  
Logging X        
Logical Management Operations X        
Master Contracts     X   Though master contracts are defined at the organization level, you must explicitly specify the sites to which a master contract applies using the Authorize Sites action. The sites must belong to the organization in which the contract is created or to an organization that uses the same item set and company set as the organization in which the contract is created.
Master PM X       PM records from any site can be associated with a master PM.
Maps     X    
Message Reprocessing X        
Message Tracking X        
Meter Groups X       Defined items, assets, and locations can access all the meters defined in the Meter Groups application. Defined items, assets, and locations can access all the meters defined in the Meters application.
Meters X       Defined items, assets, and locations can access all the meters defined in the Meter Groups application. Defined items, assets, and locations can access all the meters defined in the Meters application.
Migration Collections X        
Migration Groups X        
Migration Manager X        
Object Structures X        
Offerings Catalog   Item set      
Offerings   Item set      
Organizations X        
OSLC Providers X        
OSLC Resources X        
People X        
Person Group X   X X Person group records are defined at the enterprise level and the identifiers are unique at that level. Person groups contain people records, which can be restricted to a site or an organization.
Precautions       X  
Preventive Maintenance       X  
Priority Matrix X        
Process Requests X        
Publish Channels X        
Purchase Contracts     X   Though purchase contracts are defined at the organization level, you must explicitly specify the sites to which a purchase contract applies using the Authorize Sites action. The sites must belong to the organization in which the contract is created or to an organization that uses the same item set and company set as the organization in which the contract is created.
Purchase Orders       X You can create purchase orders (both internal and external) for storerooms that belong to the site in which you create the purchase order. For an external PO, you can request items for storerooms in multiple sites, provided the PO site and all the storeroom sites belong to the same organization. When you create an internal PO, you can request items from a storeroom belonging to a different site than the one in which you create the PO, provided the two sites are in the same organization or the organizations for the two sites use the same item set.
Purchase Requisitions       X You can create purchase requests (both internal and external) for storerooms that belong to the site in which you create the request. When you create an internal PR, you can request items from a storeroom belonging to a different site than the one in which you create the PR, provided the two sites are in the same organization or the organizations for the two sites use the same item set.
Qualifications     X    
Quick Reporting       X  
Receiving       X  
Release Records       X  
Relationships X        
Request for Quotations       X  
Report Administration X        
Report Viewer X        
Response Plans X        
Roles X        
Routes       X Only assets and locations that belong to the specified site can be part of that route. Any specified job plans must either belong to the site for the route or be at the enterprise level.
Safety Plans       X  
Search Solutions X   X X Transactions can reside at enterprise, organization, or site level.
Security Group X        
Service Addresses     X    
Service Fulfillment   Item set      
Service Groups   Item set      
Service Items   Item set     Service items are defined at the item set level and the identifiers are unique at that level. An organization can use only one item set, and all sites in that organization can access all the service items defined in that item set.
Service Level Agreements X       SLA records can be defined at the enterprise level, organization level or at the site level. The SLA identifier is unique at the enterprise level.
Service Requests X   X X Service requests are defined at the enterprise level. The requested service can specify an asset or location that belongs to any site. The service request can also be handled at any site, not just the site specified for the asset or location.
Service Request Manager Search X        
Sets X        
Shipment Receiving       X  
Software License View X        
Solutions X        
Stocked Tools       X Tools can be transferred from a storeroom in one site to a storeroom in another site, provided the two sites belong to the same organization or the organizations of the two sites use the same item set.
Storerooms       X  
System Properties X        
Tax Codes     X   Menu item
Tenants X        
Terms and Conditions     X   Terms and conditions are accessible to all sites in the organization in which the terms and conditions were created.
Ticket Templates X       Ticket templates can contain job plans that can be from any level.
Time Zone Rule X        
Tools   Item set     Tools are defined at the item set level and the identifiers are unique at that level. An organization can use only one item set, and all sites in that organization can access all the tools defined in that item set.
Units of Measurement X       Menu item
Users X        
View Catalog Requests       X  
View Drafts       X  
View Requisitions       X  
View Service Requests X   X X Transactions can reside at enterprise, organization, or site level.
View Shopping Carts       X  
View Templates       X  
Warranty Contracts     X   Though warranty contracts are defined at the organization level, you must explicitly specify the sites to which a warranty contract applies using the Authorize Sites action. The sites must belong to the organization in which the contract is created or to an organization that uses the same item set and company set as the organization in which the contract is created.
Web Services Library X        
Work Order Tracking       X  
Work View X        
Workflow Administration X        
Workflow Designer X