Enabling single sign-on

Single sign-on allows a user to unlock all wrapped enterprise apps on iOS devices with one PIN or passcode.

About this task

Single sign-on is enabled for all wrapped apps on devices with WorkPlace policies that use passcode control. App users authenticate to MaaS360® before they use the app and can use other apps without authenticating until a determined amount of idle time passes. When app users authenticate to another app, the MaaS360 app takes control and displays an authentication controller (a PIN screen). If the user starts another wrapped app, and the time limit is within the idle time, the wrapped app starts without the authentication step.

Note: App idle time is measured as the difference between the last time the app went into the background and the current time the app enters the foreground.


  1. Create a WorkPlace policy for the devices or the users that need single sign-on.
    You can also modify an existing policy.
  2. In the policy, enable Enforce Passcode.
  3. In the policy, set a value for Allowed Idle Time.
  4. Configure the rest of the policy as needed.
  5. Make sure that the designated devices are assigned to the policy.