Setting up a Windows device from a factory reset state

Follow these steps to set up a Windows device from a factory reset state.


  1. Turn on a Windows 10+ device after a factory reset, and follow the instructions on each screen until you reach the Choose how you'll connect screen.
    Choose how you'll connect screen
  2. Select Join Azure Active Directory, and then click Next.
  3. Enter your Azure Active Directory email address in the Work or school account field, and then click Next.
    Let's get you signed in screen
  4. Enter your password, and then click Sign in.
    Enter password screen
    The IBM MaaS360 Accept Terms screen is displayed.
  5. Accept the terms, and then click Continue.
    IBM MaaS360 screen
    The IBM MaaS360 Install Apps screen is displayed.
  6. Click Continue to accept app installation on the device.
    IBM MaaS360 screen
    The sign-in screen is displayed.
  7. Enter your Azure Active Directory credentials to sign in to the Windows 10+ device.
    Login screen


You completed the steps for setting up a Windows 10+ device from a factory reset state.