Upgrading to the Windows DTM version 4.50 installer and modules

Information about upgrading the Windows DTM installer (core agent), Base module, and OPSWAT module to DTM version 4.50.


  • Windows DTM installer

    You must upgrade the Base module and the OPSWAT module to DTM version 4.50.

  • Base module and OPSWAT module

    No prerequisites are required to upgrade to DTM version 4.50.

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I check the Windows DTM module version in the MaaS360 Portal?
    1. From the MaaS360 Portal Home page, go to Devices, select the Windows device, and then select Installed Services:
      Installed Services list
    2. Go to Installed Modules and check the version that is listed for the Base module and the OPSWAT module.
  • How do I check the Windows DTM agent version status in the MaaS360 Portal after I upgrade the agent?
    1. From the MaaS360 Portal Home page, go to Devices, select the Windows device, and then select Installed Services:
      Installed Services list
    2. Go to App Details, and then check the version that is listed for the Agent Version:
      Agent Version details

Troubleshooting issues with the upgrade to Windows DTM version 4.50

Installer upgrade error - module version not compatible with the installer version

If you upgrade the Windows installer to version 4.50 before you upgrade the impacted modules to version 4.50, the following error messages are displayed:

Base module status
OPSWAT module status

Remedy: Upgrade the impacted modules to version 4.50.