Basic configuration: Active Directory mode

Follow these steps to configure basic Active Directory mode settings that discover all users, groups, and memberships from the entire directory.


  1. Check the MaaS360 platform system requirements page to make sure that your computer meets the Active Directory minimum requirements.
  2. Select your corporate directory setup:
    Corporate directory window
  3. Provide details about the service account:
    Service account
    Option Description
    Username The service account user name must be a local administrator on the Cloud Extender® server.
    Password The service account password must not expire.

    If your corporate policy requires you to change the service account password on a periodic basis, make sure that you update the password from the Cloud Extender Configuration Tool.

    Domain The domain of the service account.
  4. Test reachability to determine whether domains, object users (OU), and users are discoverable with your service account.
    Test reachability
    Test reachability
  5. Click Save to complete the setup and return to the Cloud Extender Summary page.