Device summary and app distribution for user-enrolled iOS devices

The device summary and app distribution changes that apply to user-enrolled iOS devices

Device summary

Employee-owned devices (BYOD) that are user-enrolled are displayed in the IBM® MaaS360® Portal with the Device Enrollment Mode set as User Enrollment. This attribute is displayed in the Device Summary > Hardware Inventory section.
Device view

The following changes are displayed in the Device Inventory for user-enrolled devices to ensure data privacy and to limit administrator actions on these devices:

  • The Network Information details are not displayed on the Device Summary page.
  • The device Wipe and Reset Passcode actions are not available. The administrator cannot wipe or reset the passcode for BYOD devices that are user-enrolled.
  • In the Hardware and OS summary, the Available Updates attribute that displays OS updates is invalid. The user-enrolled devices are unsupervised and the administrator cannot take actions on this device on behalf of the user.
  • For the Device Enrollment Mode attribute in the Advanced Search (Searching for specific devices in the IBM MaaS360 Portal) field, you can search for user-enrolled devices and create device groups.
    Advanced Search

App distribution

VPP licensed apps and enterprise apps for iOS are supported for app distribution on user-enrolled devices. iTunes App Store apps and B2B (paid or free app) apps are supported on user-enrolled devices through the VPP token only by using user type VPP licenses.

  1. Use the VPP token (Adding or updating the Apple VPP token in MaaS360) that is associated with the Managed Apple ID that is created from an Apple Business Manager account. For more information about downloading the Apple VPP token, see Downloading the Apple VPP token from Apple Business Manager.
    VPP token
  2. After you add the token, distribute the VPP app. For more information about distributing VPP apps, see Adding and distributing Apple VPP apps.
    VPP license type
  • Only the user license type app distribution is supported for user enrollment.
  • The device license type app distribution is not supported to protect the privacy of user device details such as a device serial number or UDID. If the device license type is used to distribute apps on user-enrolled devices, the status of these apps in the App Catalog distribution details displays as Not Relevant.
  • Non-VPP iTunes apps are not supported on user-enrolled devices. Instead, the administrator can assign user licenses for free apps in the Apple Business Manager portal.