
Use the Printing settings to add printers to macOS devices.

The following table describes the parameters that are required to add printers to macOS devices:
Policy setting Description
Display Name The name of the printer that is shown to users when selecting a printer.
Device URI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the printer. Example: ipp://ip-address-or-hostname/printers/name
Location The location of the printer.
Model The model of the printer.
Driver Path The path to the PostScript Printer Description (PPD) files.
Printer Locked The printer requires an administrator password.
Default printer The device URI of the default printer.
Allow user to modify printer list The printers list is only modified by administrators.
Allow printers that connect directly to user's computer The printers are allowed to directly connect to a user's computer.
Only show managed printers Printers that are managed are only displayed in the printers list.
Print page footer (user name and date) The page footer including the user name and date is printed.