Right to Data Portability

IBM® MaaS360® supports the Right to Data Portability by providing screens where an administrator can collect personal data on users of MaaS360 apps and the End User Portal (EUP).

Information about the Right to Data Portability

Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is also known as Personal Information (PI) or Privacy Information. The privacy information that is collected from devices in the IBM MaaS360 Portal is displayed on a user device and in the End User Portal (EUP).

For more information about privacy settings, see the following topics:

Information about restricting the collection of privacy information

MaaS360 allows customers to restrict privacy information that is collected from devices in the IBM MaaS360 Portal. These restriction settings are available at Privacy Management > Security > Privacy.

The restriction settings apply to enrolled devices in MaaS360 based on ownership type and device groups. For more information about restricting the collection of privacy information, see Managing privacy settings for devices in the IBM MaaS360 Portal.

Right to Data Portability workflow in the IBM MaaS360 Portal

The IBM MaaS360 Portal includes a workflow where a client controller administrator can export a portable copy of personal data for a user:
  • From the customer's administrator portal, go to the Users section and then click Export.