Integrating IBM MaaS360 with Mobile Threat Defense

Information about integrating the IBM® MaaS360® Portal with the IBM MaaS360 Mobile Threat Defense portal.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have the following access to establish a successful connection to the IBM MaaS360 MTD portal from the IBM MaaS360 API server that uses SSL.
  • API Administrator account

    You must have an API Administrator account in the IBM MaaS360 portal. For more information about creating an administrator account, see Adding a portal administrator account.

  • IBM MaaS360 Web Service Access
    You must have web service access to your IBM MaaS360 environment. To get the access, follow these steps:
    1. From the MaaS360 Portal home page, go to Setup > Web Service API > Manage Access Keys.
    2. Click Generate Access Key, select MaaS360 Web Services from the Type list field, and enter the name in the Key Name filed.
    3. Click Generate.
      The following details are displayed in the Generate Access Key window.
      • PlatformID
      • Version
      • App ID
      • Access Key
  • Python Access

    Access to Python for initial setup of IBM MaaS360. For more information, see 1.

  • MDM Password

    The MDM access password value must be a string without a colon (:) or enter the value as a password


  1. Optional: Set up initial configuration in the IBM MaaS360 by using integration script.
    Note: You can use the integration script (Python) to set up the initial configuration.

    This integration script configures iOS and Android devices, custom attributes, and several device groups.

    Follow these steps:

    1. Download the integration script.
    2. Run the integration script during initial setup to integrate IBM MaaS360 with IBM MaaS360 MTD portal.
      This integration script configures the initial set up.
      • Two Custom Attributes
        • MTD Risk Posture (mtd_risk_posture)
        • MTD Device
      • Risk Posture Device Groups
        • MTD Risk Posture Low
        • MTD Risk Posture Elevated
        • MTD Risk Posture Critical
  2. Create an administrator user in the IBM MaaS360 portal for device synchronization. For more information, see Adding a portal administrator account.
    Make sure that the administrator has following access and the Service Administrator role.
    • Manage Custom Attributes: To add, change, or delete custom attributes
    • Selective Wipe: To selectively wipe corporate data from the device
    • Set Custom Attribute Value: To set custom attributes
    • User - Read-only: To view-only access for the user
    • View installed apps: To view installed apps on a device
    • View Private groups: To view private device groups for all administrators
  3. Create device groups.
    Important: You must have an Access key to create a device group.

    MaaS360 uses groups to synchronize devices and associated users. Predefined groups are available in MaaS360, but you can create your groups instead of using predefined groups.

  4. Create an EMM connection in the IBM MaaS360 MTD portal.
    1. Log in to the IBM MaaS360 MTD portal.
    2. Go to Integration and click + Add New EMM.
    3. Select the IBM MaaS360 icon from the initial Create New Connection window.
    4. Configure the following fields for EMM connection.
      Name Description
      Connection Name Name for EMM connection.

      It adds a prefix to the group name.

      Team Team name for the EMM connection.
      URL The URL of the IBM MaaS360 API server.
      • M1 service URL (
      • M2 service URL (
      • M3 service URL (
      • M4 service URL (
      • M6 service URL (
      MDM Username The username (IBM MaaS360 administrator) to access the MaaS360 MTD portal.
      MDM Password The password to access the MaaS360 MTD portal.
      App Access Key API key value generated in the IBM MaaS360 portal after enabling the web services.
      Billing ID Billing ID of MaaS360 MDM account
      App ID App identity of MDM provider.
      App Version App version of MDM provider.
      Platform ID Platform ID of MDM provider.
      Threat Policy Create a Threat Policy in the Create New Connection window based on the selected policy.
      Privacy Policy Select the Privacy Policy for the EMM connection.
      Phishing Policy Select the Phishing Policy for the EMM connection.
      App Settings Select the App Settings Policy for the EMM connection.
      Device Inactivity Select the Device Inactivity Policy for the EMM connection.

      Click Docs on lower-left for more information about IBM MaaS360 MTD portal documentation.

  5. Go to Policies > Threats and send the following device actions.
    • Lock Device

      Locks the device screen temporarily. Users can unlock it manually even before mitigating the threat.

    • Selective Wipe

      Wipes off specific enterprise data from the device, and you can view the status of the device in the Device Summary page.

    The custom attribute such as MTD Risk Posture in the IBM MaaS360 portal has one of the following values:
    • MTD Risk Posture Normal
    • MTD Risk Posture Low
    • MTD Risk Posture Elevated
    • MTD Risk Posture Critical
    Important: The risk posture values are used to indicate the device's risk level. For example, an EMM action is set to MTD Risk Posture Critical when a given threat occurs. This value depends on the MaaS360 MTD portal Threat Policy definition settings.
  6. Add the app configurations in the MaaS360 portal.
    1. From the MaaS360 Portal home page, select Apps > Catalog.
      IBM MaaS360 MTD for the Type (iOS and Android) apps are displayed in the App Catalog page.
    2. Click View in the IBM MaaS360 MTD.
    3. On the IBM MaaS360 MTD page, go to the App Configuration section and click Add configuration.
      IBM MaaS360 MTD configuration page is displayed.
    4. Select Manual configuration. The Configuration settings section is displayed to add the configurations in the Attribute name and Attribute value fields .
    Tip: To get the configuration details, login to the IBM MaaS360 MTD portal, and click Docs on lower-left. IBM MaaS360 MTD portal documentation is displayed. For detailed list of configuration, go to MTD Console User guide > integration > App config detail on MaaS360 MTD portal


The auto-activated version of the IBM MaaS360 MTD application is published and installed on the registered devices.

What to do next

You can monitor the devices' status from the EMM/IBM MaaS360 MTD portal.