Windows 11 Readiness report

The Windows 11 Readiness report for MaaS360® uses real-time data that shows the Windows devices on your network that are ready to upgrade to Windows 11.

How to access: MaaS360 Portal > Reports > PC Inventory > Windows 11 Readiness

Report dashboards

The following types of dashboards are available for this report:

  • Summary
    The Summary dashboard shows the overall readiness of Windows devices on your network to upgrade to Windows 11. You can filter the total number of devices by the following criteria:
    • Ready: The device has met all readiness criteria and is ready to be upgraded to Windows 11.
    • Not Ready: One or more of the readiness criteria for the device was not met. See the Readiness Criteria section for more information.
    • Not Available: The device is not available or ready to be upgraded to Windows 11.
  • Readiness Criteria

    The Readiness Criteria dashboard shows which devices are ready to upgrade to Windows 11 based on whether the device meets the minimum requirements from Microsoft for the following criteria: TPM, storage, memory, system firmware, processor speed, and display. For more information about upgrading your devices to Windows 11, see

Viewing data in the dashboards

The Windows 11 Readiness report provides real-time data about the readiness of your Windows devices in the form of a chart or in a table format.

Device inventory
The chart data defines the readiness in the form of a graph for devices that are managed by the MaaS360 customer account. The following types of chart data are available for this data:
  • Bar chart
  • Pie chart
  • Line chart
  • Area chart

The table data represents the device and user details for devices that are enrolled in the MaaS360 customer account. These details are represented as columns in the table data along with an option to apply filters and to generate the Windows 11 Readiness report for the filtered data. Click the Table icon (Reports table icon) to view chart and table data for the report.

Note: Chart data depends on the table data and the filters that are applied to the columns in the table data.

Chart data is embedded as .png files in the email message that is sent to recipients who subscribe to the Windows 11 Readiness report.

Subscription settings for the report

Click the Subscription settings option to access a page (Administrator Settings > Analytics) where you define who receives an email of the report, how often the report is sent to recipients, and how data is displayed in the report.

Subscription settings

Exporting data from the dashboards

Click Export to export chart and table data for the summary or readiness criteria sections of the Windows 11 Readiness report. The Details report .csv is embedded as .zip files in the email message that is sent to recipients who subscribe to the Windows 11 Readiness report.

Note: The export limitation for the Details report CSV file is 250,000 rows.