Excess services in the MaaS360 Portal

Excess services are services consumed by the devices, that are outside the purchased license suites. You must review and accept the excess services used by the devices.

After you activate license management for a MaaS360 account, the following applies:
  • All devices that use excess services lose their entitlements 90 days after license management is activated for an account. You must purchase licenses for the excess services to continue using those services within those 90 days.
  • Any new devices that are enrolled or activated after activation of license management wont receive excess services.
  • On the Setup > Services page:
    • Excess services that are already in use by the devices in a MaaS360 account are grayed out. These services are in a selected state and disabled for configuration. Checkboxes next to the services that are not a part of the purchased licenses and that are not enabled are also grayed out. These disabled services can only be enabled if those services are purchased.
      Excess services on the Services page

      For example, Secure Browser and the subservices URL Filtering and Intranet Access are excess services that are already in use by the devices in an account. These services are in a selected state and grayed out. The Enable Secure Browser for Windows is a subservice of the Secure Browser service that is not in use by the devices in the account and is grayed out.

    • The services that are not part of the purchased licenses are grayed out and can only be enabled if those services are purchased.
      Services that are not purchased