Enabling Auto-Removal with Exchange

Follow these steps to remove old ActiveSync connections based on when the devices last reported back to Exchange.

About this task

In most Exchange environments, old ActiveSync connections remain associated to user mailboxes and are often not removed. Use the Cloud Extender® policies to automatically and periodically clean up old ActiveSync connections based on when these devices last reported back to Exchange. The Cloud Extender runs scripts to clean up your Exchange environment.
Note: Enable Auto-Removal before you enable Auto-Quarantine or apply compliance rules to enforce enrollment.


  1. Log in to the IBM® MaaS360® Portal as the administrator.
  2. Select Setup > Cloud Extender Settings > Exchange ActiveSync, and then click Edit.
  3. From the Device Record CleanUp Settings section, select the Enable Automated removal of old ActiveSync records checkbox.
    Configure the following options:
    Option Description
    Time Period for automated removal Automatically removes ActiveSync devices from mailboxes that do not report in the last (x) days:
    • Last 30 days
    • Last 60 days
    • Last 90 days (most common)
    • Last 180 days
    Frequency of running the automated removal job Defines how often the Cloud Extender runs cleanup scripts:
    • Every week (most common)
    • Every alternative week
    • Every fourth week
    Day of week on which automated removal job is initiated The day of the week that you want to start the removal job.
    Time to start automated removal job The hour in GMT +0 time (hh:mm) that you want to start the removal job.
    Delete record in Exchange server on device removal in MaaS360 Deletes the device record from the Exchange server. Secure Mail records are always deleted when a device is removed from the MaaS360 Portal.
  4. To view the last time the automated removal command ran on the server, select Setup > Cloud Extender and then select a Cloud Extender that is configured for Exchange ActiveSync.
  5. Click Summary > Exchange ActiveSync.
    From the Automated Removal Settings section, view the last time the Cloud Extender ran the removal command and how many devices were deleted.