Configuring user settings in the IBM MaaS360 Portal

Follow these steps to configure settings in the IBM® MaaS360® Portal for your users.


  1. From the IBM MaaS360 Portal Home page, select Setup > Settings and then click User Settings.
    Alternatively, you can also access User Settings page from User Directory > More > User Settings.
  2. Review the following Basic user settings for all users:
    Option Description
    User Deactivation Settings Actions that are taken on a user account that is deactivated:
    • No action is taken even if user account is not active. Both the user and the devices that are associated with the user account remain active.
    • If the user is inactive, only the user account is marked as inactive and the devices that are associated with the user account remain active.
    • Marks the user and the devices that are associated with the user account as inactive. Note: Devices that are associated with an inactive user account in the User Directory might take up to 48 hours to deactivate.
      • Configure the maximum number of users that are deactivated in a batch.
      • Provide a list of email addresses where notifications are sent when user accounts are deactivated.
      • Enable the Permanently delete users and devices checkbox to permanently delete users and associated devices after the specified days. The allowed value is 1 - 90 days.
    User Password Settings Configuration for generating a password during user account creation in MaaS360 Directory.

    Select one of the following options:

    • Do not generate: A password is not generated for the user during user account creation in MaaS360 Directory.
    • Manually Set: Manually sets a user password during user account creation in MaaS360 Directory. If the Send password to user's email checkbox is enabled, users receive the login password from a welcome email message. If the checkbox is disabled, the welcome email message contains the username only, and the user must contact the corporate administrator to receive the login password.
    • Auto-generate: Automatically generates a user password during user account creation in MaaS360 Directory. For this method, after the welcome email message is sent, another email message is sent that includes a link where a new user can set the MaaS360 account login password.
    Managed Apple ID Settings Use Email Address as Managed Apple ID: The Email Address in the User Summary page is used as a Managed Apple ID without having to enter a Managed Apple ID for each user. The email address of the user is automatically used as the Managed Apple ID in the User Enrollment deployments even though the Managed Apple ID field in the User Summary page is blank. Note: This setting does not automatically populate the email address in the Managed Apple ID field on the User Summary page.
    End User Notification Settings The notifications that are available to configure for user activities:
    • User account management: If this setting is enabled, users receive an email notification that contains details about the user account. For an existing MaaS360 user account, users receive email notifications on how to reset a password.
    • Device Enrollment and Activation: If this setting is enabled, administrators send email and SMS notifications to users for new enrollment or activation requests. Users are also notified about events such as upgrading a user profile for an enrolled device.
    • App Management: If this setting is enabled, a welcome email notification is sent to the user from the App Catalog. The user is also notified about new app or upgrade distributions that are available for user devices.
    • Compliance Notifications: If this setting is enabled, a notification is sent to the user when a device is out of compliance (OOC) with the defined compliance rules. The user is also notified when the device is compliant.
    • Critical Actions Compliance Alerts: If this setting is enabled, a notification is sent to the user when a device wipe action is successful. The administrator can take this action or a user can take this action from the End User Portal (EUP).
  3. Review the following Advanced user settings for all users:
    Option Description
    Show privacy information to end users If the Privacy Information setting is enabled, the Privacy screen is displayed to users on the MaaS360 app and on the End User Portal (EUP). The Privacy screen provides information that is collected and stored in MaaS360 and other systems.

    For more information about the Privacy screen that is displayed on the MaaS360 app, see Viewing privacy information on a user device.

    For more information about the Privacy screen that is displayed in the End User Portal (EUP), see Viewing privacy information in the End User Portal (EUP).