Follow these steps to add an administrator account.
From MaaS360 Portal
Home page, select .
The Administrators page is displayed.
Click Add Administrator.
Enter your corporate email address and username for the new administrator account that you want
to add.
If the username is the same as the email address, select the Same as Corporate
Email Address checkbox.
Click Next.
- Optional:
Select Limit portal administrator access to specified managed
user groups to limit administrator to manage selected user groups. You can choose one or
more user groups for administrator management.
Select one or more roles that are assigned to the new administrator account.
When you select a role, the role description is displayed in the Role
Description field.
Roles with duplicate names are listed with more details about role hierarchy that helps the
administrator choose the right roles to update administrator roles. Hover over the role name to view
more information about the role.
- Administrator: No inheritance is specified since this role is inherited from the immediate
partner's role.
- Administrator (Inherited from example account number 1122334455): Inherited from 1122334455
(level1partner under 11122233).
- Administrator (Inherited from account number 11122233): Inherited from 11122233 (level2partner
under 66622211).
Note: A MaaS360® Portal Administrator can create
administrator accounts with equal or lesser access roles only. An administrator who is assigned the
Help Desk role can create Help Desk accounts only, but cannot create an account with more access
roles such as the administrator.
Select the primary administrator checkbox and click
The option to add an administrator as the primary administrator is available only if no
administrator account is a primary administrator.
Note: Only an administrator account with
the Service Administrator role can be a primary administrator.
Review the new administrator account details and click Save.
Type your password for the security check and click Continue.
If the administrator is added as a primary administrator, a confirmation message is displayed
asking if you want to make this administrator the primary administrator. This message is displayed
before the password security check.
The portal administrator account is successfully created and listed on the
Administrators page. An email is sent to the registered email address that
contains the account details and temporary credentials for logging in to the MaaS360 Portal.
Note: The options and workflows that are available for an administrator account depend on the
access rights that are available for the administrator account.