Managing personal or corporate contacts in MaaS360 Secure Mobile Mail

Follow these steps to manage either personal or corporate contacts in MaaS360® Secure Mobile Mail.

About this task

You can manage both personal and corporate contacts in MaaS360 Secure Mobile Mail, but you cannot export your corporate contacts from MaaS360 Secure Mobile Mail.


From the MaaS360 Secure Mobile Mail container, tap the Contacts icon Contacts icon. By default, your contacts are displayed in an alphabetical order.
Contacts list
Option Description
1 - Return icon Returns to the MaaS360 Secure Mobile Mail container.
2 - Search field Searches for a contact in the Contacts list.
3 - Sort icon Sorts contacts in the Contacts list by first name.
4 - Toggle view Toggles the view of the Contacts list by all contacts or favorite contacts.
5 - Plus sign (+) icon Adds a contact to the Contacts list.
To add a contact, follow these steps:
  1. Tap the Plus sign (+) icon. The Add Contact screen is displayed.
  2. Provide information about the contact, and then tap Save.
6 - Edit icon Updates details about the contact in the Contacts list.
7 - Email icon Creates an email message by using the email address of the contact.
8 - Add to Favorites Marks the contact as a Favorite in the Contacts list.
9 - Share Contact Sends an email message to another person with information about the contact.
10 - Delete Contact Removes a contact from the Contacts list.


The contacts in MaaS360 Secure Mobile Mail are configured successfully.