Viewing Android device settings in the MaaS360 Secure Container

Follow these steps to view settings for Android devices in the MaaS360® Secure Container.


  1. Tap the Settings icon Settings icon.
    The settings that are available for Android devices in the MaaS360 Secure Container are displayed.
  2. Tap Compliance Status.
    1. Tap the Compliance Status tab.
      The compliance status of the device based on corporate policies is displayed.
    2. Tap the Enforced Policies tab.
      The policies that are pushed to the device and the compliance status of each policy is displayed.
  3. Tap Workplace Restrictions.
    Details about the security restrictions that are enforced on the MaaS360 Secure Container and the associated components is displayed. For example, restrictions might include minimum passcode length, allowed idle time before container auto-locks, enforced passcodes, and enforced use of MaaS360 apps for web browsing and document viewing.
  4. Tap Corporate Settings.
    The corporate settings for the device are displayed, including configured email accounts and other settings, for example, Kiosk mode.
  5. Tap My Device.
    The following settings are displayed:
    Setting Description
    Account Number The MaaS360 account number for your organization.
    Device Name The name of the device that is displayed in the MaaS360 Secure Container.
    MaaS360 Device ID The unique identifier for the device in MaaS360.
    App The name of the MaaS360 app.
    App Version The current version of the MaaS360 app.
    WorkPlace Apps The MaaS360 WorkPlace apps that are installed on the device.
    Enterprise SDKs The Software Development Kits (SDKs) that MaaS360 uses to secure the device.
    Primary Google Account The Google account that is used to enable the device.
    GCM Registered Specifies whether Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) is registered to provide notifications.
    Real-Time Notification Specifies whether real-time notifications are enabled through GCM.
    Background Data Specifies whether apps can use data in the background.
    Installed Date The date that the MaaS360 container app was installed on the device.
    Last Reported The last time that the device reported back to MaaS360.
    Last Data Upload Date The last time that the container uploaded data to MaaS360.
    Policy The MaaS360 Mobile Device Management (MDM) policy that is in effect on the device.
    Persona Policy The MaaS360 policy that is in effect in the MaaS360 Secure Container.
  6. Tap MaaS360 PIN to manage the PIN code.
    • To change your PIN code, follow these steps:
      1. Tap Change PIN at the top of the screen.
      2. Enter your new PIN code, and then save the PIN code.
        Note: Your organization might not allow you to reuse previous PIN codes or might prevent you from disabling the PIN code altogether.
    • To lock the container, tap Lock MaaS360 at the top of the screen. You are required to enter the PIN code to access the container.
  7. Tap Email.
    The following settings are displayed:
    Setting Description
    Account name The name on the account.
    Signature Changes the signature that is appended to your email messages.
    Out of Office Creates an out-of-office message.
    Corporate Signature Displays a signature on your email messages that is required by your company.
    Rights Policy Templates Displays the policy templates, including Do Not Forward, Content Expiry, and Do Not Print.
    Quick responses Edits text that you use frequently.
    Clear user cert overrides Clears identity certificate override exceptions.
    Notifications Specifies whether notifications are enabled.
    New Mail Audio Plays a sound when you receive a new email message.
    Vibrate If enabled, the device is silent, but vibrates.
    Separate setting for Favorites If enabled, plays a different sound when you receive an email message from a Favorites contact.
    Notify on all new emails If enabled, notifies you of all new email messages.
    Confirm on delete Notifies you before you delete an email message.
    Right Swipe Action Specifies whether swiping right marks an email message as read or flags the email message.
    Days to sync Syncs your information with your corporate information.
    Sync schedule Syncs your scheduled based on the following options:
    • Off-peak sync frequency: The number of times that data is synced during off-peak hours.
    • Peak schedule:
      • Sync frequency: The number of times that data is synced during peak hours.
      • Peak days: The days that are considered peak days.
      • Start time: The time that the peak period begins on a peak day.
      • End time: The time that the peak period ends on a peak day.
      • Status indicator: The status of email folders during off-peak times.
    Sync email Syncs your email messages with your corporate email messages.
    Auto-sync folders Syncs specific folders automatically.
    Sync contacts Syncs specific contacts.
    Sync calendar Syncs specific calendars.
    Sync tasks Syncs specific tasks.
    Sync notes Syncs specific notes.
    Auto-download attachments Downloads specific attachments based on user-defined conditions. Provide the file size limits for each data connection (wifi, 2G, 3G, 4G, or roaming).
    Organize by thread Organizes email messages by threads or conversations.
    Message text size Controls the font size of the text that is displayed on the screen.
    Reply Uses Reply as the default response for replying to email messages.
    Ask to show pictures Clears senders who show pictures.
    Auto-advance Sets the screen that is displayed when you delete a message.
    Email View Scroll action Controls the scrolling action in the Email view.
    Prompt for apps to open attachments Clears the default apps that can open attachments.
  8. Tap Calendar.
    The following settings are displayed:
    Setting Description
    Days to sync Syncs calendar entries on your calendar.
    Show week number Displays the week of the year.
    Week starts on The day that the calendar week begins on.
    Use home time zone Uses your home time zone for calendar entries and event times when you are traveling.
    Home time zone Your home time zone.
    Notifications Notifies you of appointments and events.
    Sound The sound that is used for notifications and reminders.
    Pop-up notifications Notifies you with a pop-up message.
    Default reminder time The default number of times that you are reminded before an event.
    Quick responses The default responses to email messages that you send. These responses are editable.
  9. Tap Contacts.
    The following settings are displayed:
    Setting Description
    Sort list by Organizes your contacts in the container.
    View contact names as Displays the name of your contacts based on your preference.
    Sync to Device Contacts Includes your personal contacts from Exchange in the contact list on your device.
  10. Tap Connected Gateways.
    The gateways that are connected to your device are displayed.
  11. Tap Launcher Settings.
    • To add MaaS360 app icons to the Home screen for easy access to that app, follow these steps:
      1. Tap each app icon.
      2. Tap Add to Home at the top of the screen.
    • To set the default app that is displayed when you first access the container, follow these steps:
      1. Tap the app icon.
      2. Tap Set as Default at the top of the screen.
  12. Tap Downloads.
    Any downloads to the MaaS360 Secure Container that are in progress are displayed.
  13. Tap Location.
    The check-in status, current location, and the check-in data and time for the device is displayed.