Troubleshooting issues with MaaS360 VPN

Troubleshooting issues with configuring MaaS360® VPN.

  • After I configured MaaS360 VPN, why am I unable to connect to the MaaS360 VPN server?
    1. Open the Cloud Extender® Configuration Tool and check whether an issue with connectivity is displayed on the screen:
      Cloud Extender Configuration Tool VPN connectivity issue
    2. Open the Routing and Remote Access Service management console and select Disable Routing and Remote Access.
    3. If the Install TAP Adapter button is not displayed, follow these steps:
      1. From a command line, enter C:\Program Files (x86)\MaaS360\Cloud Extender\tapinstall.exe remove tapmaasvpn01.
      2. Close the Cloud Extender Configuration Tool, and then start the tool again.
      3. Click the Install TAP Adapter button.
      4. Repeat the steps for enabling Network Address Translation (NAT) on the outgoing interface for the MaaS360 VPN. See the procedure for enabling NAT in Installing MaaS360 VPN and configuring the MaaS360 VPN TAP Adapter on Windows Server 2016+.
  • How do I uninstall the MaaS360 VPN?
    To uninstall the MaaS360 VPN, follow these steps:
    1. Remove the MaaS360 VPN TAP Adapter first. From the command line, enter C:\Program Files (x86)\MaaS360\Cloud Extender\tapinstall.exe remove tapmaasvpn01.
    2. Uninstall the Cloud Extender software.
  • How can I check the real-time status of connections to the MaaS360 VPN?

    You cannot currently view real-time information about the MaaS360 VPN connection status in the IBM® MaaS360 Portal. However, you can view log files on the Cloud Extender if you want to view real-time information. The log files are at C:\ProgramData\MaaS360\Cloud Extender\logs.

    To access the log files from the Cloud Extender Configuration Tool, follow these steps:
    • Open the Cloud Extender Configuration Tool, and click Help > View Logs.
      View logs
      The log file manager is displayed. The following types of log files are available for you to view:
      Log files Description
      vpn-status.log The vpn-status.log file provides IP information (device IP addresses and VPN-assigned IP addresses), device IDs, the current byte totals that are sent and received, and connection duration.
      ClientStat logs The ClientStat logs provide basic information about incoming connections, if the connections are successful, and when a user disconnects from the VPN.
      Main VPN logs The main VPN logs are logs that contain mostly open VPN logging data. The amount of data that is allowed depends on the logging level that is enabled in the VPN client.