Most popular apps metrics

The Most popular apps metrics provides statistics on the most popular apps that are distributed from the MaaS360 Portal to managed mobile devices in the WorkPlace.

The Most popular apps generated report compares the popularity of an app in the MaaS360 Community with the popularity of the app in the My Devices community. Employees in the WorkPlace use either corporate-owned devices or employee-owned devices (also referred to as My Devices).

In the following example, the Most Popular Apps metrics provide statistics on an organization in the Financial Services industry with a large deployment of devices:

Most Popular Apps Metrics Report
The following statistics apply:
  • Google Maps is the most popular app that is installed on all devices, followed by Facebook, YouTube, Messenger, Pages, Keynote, Uber, and iMovie apps.
  • 27% of the devices in the MaaS360® Community installed the Google Maps app, while only 26% of the devices in the My Devices community installed the app.

The statistics that are provided in the example illustrate how to work with metrics across various industries and with different deployment sizes. Use this data as a guide to improving the security and efficiency of your mobile environment.