Enrollment authentication type metrics

The Enrollment authentication type metrics provide statistics on the types of authentication that are used by managed devices to authenticate during the enrollment process.

Viewing a generated report

To view an Enrollment authentication type report, choose one of the following authentication types:

  • Passcode
  • SAML
  • MaaS360® local credentials
  • Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Viewing an example of metrics in a generated report

In the following example, the Enrollment authentication type metrics provide statistics on an organization in the Financial Services industry with a small deployment of devices:
Enrollment authentication type metrics report
For enrollment authentication types, the following statistics apply:
  • 83% of the devices used a passcode to authenticate during enrollment.
  • 9% of the devices used MaaS360® local credentials to authenticate during enrollment.
  • 8% of the devices used corporate directory credentials to authenticate during enrollment.
  • Fewer than 1% of the devices used other authentication methods such as 2FA or SAML during enrollment.

The statistics that are provided in the example illustrate how to work with metrics across various industries and with different deployment sizes. Use this data as a guide to improving the security and efficiency of your mobile environment.