Tracking the status of the Android OEMConfig profile

MaaS360 allows you to track the status of the OEMConfig profile that is applied to the device.

MaaS360 uses the app feedback channel to monitor the status of app configuration. The feedback can either be Success if the configuration is applied or Failure if the configuration is not applied. This feedback allows administrators to detect errors and make the necessary adjustments before redeploying the app configuration.
Note: The app configuration feedback is not available by default. Contact IBM Support to enable this feature for your account.
Follow these steps to view the app configuration status:
  1. From the MaaS360 Portal Home page, navigate to Devices > Inventory. The Device Inventory page is displayed.
  2. Click View option that is displayed under the device name. The Device Summary page is displayed.
  3. Click Summary > App Distributions. The configuration status is displayed under the App Configuration Status column.

The app configuration feedback is not immediately available when the configuration is deployed to devices. MaaS360 takes up to 24 hours to retrieve feedback from Google. You can use the device-level action Force App Config Feedback to request immediate retrieval of app configuration feedback. This action is allowed only three times for a device over a period of 24 hours.