Creating a certificate profile on the Symantec PKI Manager
Follow these steps to create a certificate profile in your Symantec Portal if no profile previously exists.
About this task
If a certificate profile exists, skip this procedure and go to Viewing the details of a Symantec PKI certificate profile. For more information about creating certificate profiles in the Symantec Portal, see the Symantec documentation.
- Log in to your Symantec PKI Manager account. You can get the URL and the credentials to access your PKI Manager account directly from Symantec.
- Select Manage Certificate Profiles to view the Manage profiles window.
- Select Create new to select the
mode to create the profile.
- Click Production mode, and then
click Continue. The Select template window is displayed.
- Click Secure Sign-in, and then click Continue.
The Customize options window is displayed.
- From the Enrollment method list, select SCEP.
- Type a Certificate friendly name for
the certificate profile, and then click Advanced options.
The Subject DN section is displayed.
- In the Subject DN section, select Add field to provide an email address as part of the Subject DN.
- From the Certificate field list,
select Email.
- From the Source for the field’s value list,
select Scep Request.
- Make the Certificate Field: Email a required value, and then use the up arrows in the Subject DN section to move the Email field to the top of the list.
- Click the Common Name (CN) field,
and set the Required value to No.
- Click Save & Continue.
- Click Edit to display the main profile window for the profile that you created.
- Make sure that the unique identifier for the user is set
to Email, and then click Save.
A confirmation message displays a successful profile creation that includes the SCEP URL, the certificate profile OID, and the user identification based on the user's email address.