Log file collection

IBM® Support might need to collect log data to assist with troubleshooting the MaaS360® product across multiple platforms. In most cases, you can generate logs and send the logs to a secure email address where agents collect the logs for review. In rare cases, where devices might not have a configured email account, or when Cloud Extender® logs are too large to send by email, IBM Support might need to collect logs remotely.

If IBM Support needs to collect logs remotely, such as iOS and Android MaaS360 agent logs or Cloud Extender logs, the logs are uploaded and transmitted by encryption to a secure Amazon Web Services S3 server.

Location of log files stored on internal IBM servers

Cloud Extender logs are stored in individual folders with a unique portal number only (no customer names), and the logs are tagged with a DIAG### followed by the time and date stamp in a compressed file. iOS agent diagnostic logs are tagged with a portal number and a device name. Android agent diagnostic logs are tagged with unique identifiers that include the device name, and depending on the upload method that you use, a portal number.

Uploading log files to internal IBM servers

Users can upload log files to a secure, on-premises JIRA server that is only accessible from internal IBM networks.

The following IBM employees can or cannot access the internal IBM servers:
Internal IBM server Can access Cannot access
Amazon Web Services S3 server
  • MaaS360 SaaS Operations teams (with controlled credentials)
  • MaaS360 Offering Management
  • IBM Support employees who are not working with the MaaS360 product.
  • Sales (MaaS360 or other product lines)
  • MaaS360 Development
JIRA server
  • MaaS360 SaaS Operations teams
  • MaaS360 Development
  • MaaS360 Offering Management
  • IBM Support employees who are not working with the MaaS360 product.
  • Sales (MaaS360 or other product lines)
  • Remote MaaS360 employees who do not have an approved, MDM-controlled device with proper VPN access.