Upgrading the Cloud Extender core and modules

Information about upgrading the core version of Cloud Extender® and the Cloud Extender modules to apply the latest release features available for Cloud Extender.

Upgrading the Cloud Extender core

To upgrade the core version of Cloud Extender:
  1. Log in to the IBM® MaaS360® Portal with your administrator credentials.
  2. Select Setup > Services, and expand Enterprise Email Integration.
  3. Click Download to download the latest version of Cloud Extender.
  4. Copy the Cloud Extender installation package to the servers that are using an older version of the core, and then double-click the installation package.
  5. Follow the installation prompts to automatically upgrade your Cloud Extender to the latest version of the core.
  • The upgrade process preserves module configurations. No configuration changes are needed after you upgrade Cloud Extender.
  • When you upgrade the core, the Cloud Extender Windows service is restarted which causes a short outage of the service.

Manually upgrading the Cloud Extender modules

When modules are generally available, the modules are available for automatic or manual download. If the Automatic Updates setting is disabled on your Cloud Extender, the modules are not automatically downloaded and applied.

As an administrator, follow these steps to automatically upgrade your Cloud Extender:
  1. Open the Cloud Extender Configuration Tool.
  2. Go to the last window of the configuration wizard, and then enable the Automatic Updates setting. Enabling this setting triggers an automatic download and applies the latest modules to your Cloud Extender.
  3. Go to the IBM MaaS360 Portal, and then view the Cloud Extender Summary window to confirm that the updates were applied (based on module versions) to your Cloud Extender.

The manual update process usually takes 15 - 30 minutes. When the updates are applied, turn off the Automatic Updates setting on your Cloud Extender.