Configuring the auto naming of new devices

With the auto name device function administrators can rename newly enrolled devices according to the placeholder keyword values that are used in the auto naming configuration. Administrators can easily identify enrolled devices with a meaningful device name according to name formats and sequence keywords.

About this task

Follow these steps to configure the auto naming of new devices.


  1. From the IBM® MaaS360® Portal home page, go to Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) page, click More > Auto Name Devices.
  2. On the Configure Auto Naming of New Devices window, select the Enable Auto Naming checkbox.
  3. Configure the following placeholder values:
    Placeholder Description
    Name Format The format for the name. The following supported keywords are replaced:
    • user name
    • user attributes
    • model (iPad, iPhone)
    • seq#
    Only the space, apostrophe ('), and hyphen (-) characters are allowed.
    Use the following placeholder formats:
    • %Username%
    • %Model%
    • %Seq#%
    • %Domain%
    • %Email%
    • %Department%
    • %deviceid%
    These placeholders are replaced with the actual values of these attributes and the new device is renamed automatically.
    Note: The model attribute includes specific model details such as iPad 7, iPhone 6 Plus, or iPad mini to help identify DEP-enrolled iOS devices.
    Sequence (Seq#) Start The number or value that you want to start numbering new devices from. This value is automatically incremented and used in the naming of every new device.
    Sequence (Seq#) Padding The number that you want to use when you start numbering new devices. This number is left padded with zeros. For example, choose 3 to add three zeros to the left of number 1: 0001.
  4. Click Submit.