The License Overview page lists all the licenses that are available for the customer
account. For each license, the page displays the type of license, the license part number, and the
number of licenses purchased and used by devices. Business partners and administrators can assign or
remove licenses in bulk from devices.
Access the License Overview page at .
Note: The License Overview page also displays service license bundles that are purchased by the
customer account. These service license bundles apply at the customer account level only. You cannot
use license management actions to assign service bundles to devices.
Example of the License Overview page:
License management actions
From the License Overview section, administrators can view the following options and perform
these actions:
Table 1. License management
Option |
Description |
License overview grid |
The grid displays the following details:
- MaaS360 Part Name: The name of the license part that was purchased for
the customer account.
- License Type: The license type: Trial,
Base, or an Add-on. For a trial customer account, the
license type is displayed as Trial.
- MaaS360 Part Number: The unique part number that is associated with the
license part.
- Units Purchased: The number of licenses that are purchased in a license
part. By default, the value is 10,000 licenses for a trial customer account.
- Units Consumed: The number of licenses that are used in a license
Export assigned licenses |
Exports the license usage report as a CSV file for all the MaaS360 Part Names that are listed
in the License Overview grid. The report is sent to the administrator in an email message. This file
includes details such as MaaS360 Part Name, MaaS360 Part Number, License Assigned Date, Status,
Device ID, Device Name, Username, Managed Status, Platform Name, and Last Reported details for all
devices that are assigned licenses. This report is asynchronous and generated one time a day on
request. The report in the email message includes a timestamp indicating to the administrator when
the report was last generated.
For more information about exporting assigned licenses for
MaaS360 Part Names, see Managing license reports.
Quick actions |
Perform the following quick actions on a license suite that is displayed in the MaaS360 Part Name:
- View: Displays the part details and subscription details.
- MaaS360 Part Details: Displays the part name, part number, and the units
of licenses purchased under this suite. The section also includes details on the number of license
units that are used, available license units, and whether overage for this license part is
- Subscription Details: Displays the subscription details of a license
bundle such as the subscription state, subscription ID, charge agreement number, start and end date
of the subscription in MM-DD-YYY HH: MM UTC format.
The subscription states are as follows:
- Active: Indicates that the subscription of the license bundle is
- Suspended: Indicates that the subscription of the license bundle is
- Provision Pending: Indicates that the subscription of the license bundle
is set to a future date. On the start date of the subscription, the Subscription State turns to
Active state and the corresponding license bundles become active.
- From the expanded View page, you can also export assigned licenses and perform Bulk Edit actions
such as Bulk Assign, Bulk Revoke, and View
Note: The Bulk Assign and Bulk
Revoke actions are available for Service Administrator and Administrator accounts with
Manage licenses and View license reports access rights
- Export Assigned Licenses: Exports the license usage report as a CSV file
for the specific MaaS360 Part Name and sends the report to the administrator in an email message.
The file includes details such as MaaS360 Part Name, MaaS360 Part Number, License Assigned Date,
Status, Device ID, Device Name, User Name, Managed Status, Platform Name, and Last Reported details
for all devices that are assigned licenses.
This report is asynchronous and generated one time a
day on request. The report in the email message includes a timestamp indicating tho the
administrator when the report was last generated.
For more information about exporting
assigned licenses for a selected MaaS360 Part Name, see Managing license reports.
- More: Allows bulk actions such as bulk assign, bulk revoke, and bulk
license history. This option is available for Service Administrator and Administrator accounts with
Manage licenses and View license reports access rights
More actions |
Allows more actions such as Export Historical Assignments. Use this
option to export the details from previous months for licenses that are assigned to devices. This
report is generated on the last day of each month. The license assignment history is exported as a
CSV file and includes details such as Device ID, MaaS360 Part Name, MaaS360 Part Number, and License
Assigned Date.
Example of an expanded view for a license:
License management based on access rights
Access rights are the level of access that is associated with a new role that is assigned to an
account. Based on the access rights in a role, administrators can manage license assignments, view
license reports, and export license reports. When you add a role, you can grant access rights. For
more information about adding roles, see Creating an admin role for portal administrators.
When the role is added and assigned to an administrator customer or Business Partner account, the
administrator can perform those functions based on the access rights that are enabled for that role.
For more information about assigning roles for an administrator, see Adding a portal administrator account.
In the License Management section, you can add the following access rights to a role:
- Manage licenses: Administrators can change licenses that are assigned to
a device, perform actions such as bulk assignment, bulk revoke, view bulk license history, and
change device entitlements from the Device view page.
- View license reports: Administrators can view and download license usage
MaaS360 accounts that are enabled with both access rights can manage license assignments, view
license reports, and export license reports. These access rights are enabled by default for Service
Administrator accounts.
Viewing the Grant Access Rights page:
Example of the administrator account license management overview page when both access rights are
Administrators with the Service Administrator role can view the
Overview page and perform bulk assignment and bulk revoke actions. If administrators need
access to the
License Overview page, but are not assigned the Service
Administrator role, those administrators must be granted the following access rights:
- Manage licenses: Administrators can change licenses that are assigned to
a device, perform actions such as bulk assignment, bulk revoke, view bulk license history, and
change device entitlements from the Device view page.
- View license reports: Administrators can view and download license usage